Rachel's Timeline

By hayesrk
  • Period: to

    Rachel's Past

  • Family Members

    Family Members
    1. Brandon (Brother): He is extremely intelligent and successful. He is very outgoing and loves anything that has to do with working out.
    2. Glenn (Dad): My dad loves to fantasize about going fishing down in the bayou after he retires with absolutely no debt.
    3. Jennifer (Mom): My mom is very good with crafty things, yard work, and helping others out. She always puts family first.
  • What Happiness Looked Like

    What Happiness Looked Like
    When I was little happiness looked like having a lot of things. Not just owning a lot but also enjoying what we had.
  • Event That Made Me Feel Loved For The First Time

    Event That Made Me Feel Loved For The First Time
    Something that made me feel loved for the first time was whenever Brandon andI brought our stray kitten into our house, he would not leave us alone. He would cuddle and purr and ccuddle some more. He still does it to this day.
  • Most Memorable Accomplishment

    Most Memorable Accomplishment
    My most memorable accomplishment was being in Tiger Cubs Cheerleading. I felt very determined after I performed in front of everybody and it was a big rush.
  • Three Defining Moments That Shaped Me

    Three Defining Moments That Shaped Me
    Whenever I was four, we moved to Canon City away from my grandparents. It showed me how independent my family was and how we didn't rely on my grandparents anymore.
    Whenever I was six, we took a vacation to Louisiana and I got to meet my southern family and I understood how important and how big of an impact my family has on me.
    Whenever I was nine, we had to put my cat, Dosie, down and it made me realize how much I need to appreciate the people and things I love.
  • Parents Handling Conflicts

    Parents Handling Conflicts
    In a conflict, my dad is usually the one who will bring up the problem in a quick little comment. Then, my mom will think about it for awhile and make a big deal about the problem just so my dad will fix it and usually the problem will be solved shortly.
  • Role of Morality

    Role of Morality
    Morality played a big role in my childhood. I knew the difference between right and wrong and knew that if I did something wrong, I would have a bad consequence. So, I fxed my ways right from the beginning and have been well-behaved ever since.
  • One Thing I Would Change About My Childhood

    One Thing I Would Change About My Childhood
    If there was one thing I could change about my childhood, it would be not being so shy with everybody other than my family.
  • Disappointment from Family Member

    Disappointment from Family Member
    My parents used to be consistent smokers back when I was little and I remember being so happy whenever they told me they quit. Then one day, I found out they had given in and started smoking again. Words cannot describe how disappointed I was. I grew from this because I knew that I was never going to be selfish enough to my family by shortening my life just to have a temporary fix in an addiction.
  • How My Parents Handle the Money

    How My Parents Handle the Money
    My dad has absolute control over the money. We are definitely a saving family that only spends money on necessities other than when my mom get a hold of some money every now and then. We have little debt and my parents argue about money sometimes but it's usually just about splurging a little bit and rewarding ourselves.
  • Period: to

    Present: High School Years

  • How Did Extracurricular Activities Affect Me

    How Did Extracurricular Activities Affect Me
    Sports changed my attitude about a lot of things. It gave me a lot of different varities of friends that I would have never thought to be my friends beforehand. It gave me something to look forward to after school everyday and was a big stress reliever.
  • What I Spend The Most of My Money On

    What I Spend The Most of My Money On
    I spend the most money on my boyfriend. He doesn't have a lot and I don't overspend on him but I like to spoil him. I am a big saver. I make a lot of money as a photographer at the Royal Gorge Route Railroad and don't like to spend my hard earned money on useless stuff.
  • Handling Conflicts With Peers/Parents

    Handling Conflicts With Peers/Parents
    I handle conflicts with my peers by confronting them about the issue and then we usually fight for a little big and then come together even stronger. With my parents, I usually express how I feel right away but usually not in the nicest manner. I usually have a big attitude and feel bad about it but I always apologize.
  • Most Influential Person In My Life

    Most Influential Person In My Life
    My brother has definitely been the most influential person through high school as well as the rest of my life. He has always pushed me to trust that I am a smart person and that I can handle a lot more than I think I can. If I didn't have my brother I don't think I wouldb be as confident as I am today and as involved in sports as I am. As well as how motivated I am about being a successful person.
  • What Person Made Me Feel Loved For The First Time

    What Person Made Me Feel Loved For The First Time
    My junior year whenever I started dating my boyfriend Zac and him showing me how an actual healthy relationship felt. I felt loved knowing he was always there for me and I knew I could talk to him about everything and he would help me out with everything.
  • Most Memorable Accomplishment

    Most Memorable Accomplishment
    My most memorable accomplishment was being a junior escort last year for the 2013 graduating class. I had no idea I was in the top 20 in my class and took a lot of self-pride in it.
  • What Happiness Looks Like

    What Happiness Looks Like
    Happiness to me is being close to the people you love and maybe not having a lot but enjoying what you do have and not taking everything for granted.
  • Plans After Graduation

    Plans After Graduation
    After highschool I plan on going to Allen County Community College in Iola, Kansas and then going to a university afterwards to major in Accounting.
  • Period: to

    Future: Life after high school-Retirement

  • Where I Want To Live

    Where I Want To Live
    I plan on living in Kansas during school and then afterwads I will live wherever my job is. Then whenever we are ready for a family, we will probably move back to Canon City.
  • Marriage Plans

    Marriage Plans
    Yes, I would love to get married probably around the age of 22. They must meet a perfect father figure as well as a very supporting husband that I know will stick around until we're old.
  • What I Have Learned About Marriages

    What I Have Learned About Marriages
    Yes, I have learned a lot from my parents, mainly about give and take and having to support each other. Also, to appreciate the little things and not to expect too much. Also, from my boyfriend's parents, I have learned sometimes that it's tough to keep up with the showy world we live in and we have to work more often that we would like to at times.
  • Top Five Lessons To Teach My Children

    Top Five Lessons To Teach My Children
    The top five lessons that I would want my children to learn are the difference between right and wrong, how to love and be loved, how to be well motivated to learn how to express their feelings and be comfortable around others, as well as conquering what the want to achieve in life. I would do everything my parents did for me for my children and the only thing I would do differently is be more open around them and how I feel about things.
  • Family Plans

    Family Plans
    Yes, I would love a family. I want two babies andI hope to raise a happy, close, successful family.
  • Career Goals for Mid-LIfe

    Career Goals for Mid-LIfe
    I would like to be sending my children off to see them grow on their own as well as continue to have my steady job of being an accountant.
  • My Dreams

    My Dreams
    I would love to be a stay at home mom with a nice house just big enough to fit my family in, have a couple friends that live close by as well as family. I would like to have nice cars but also be completely debt free. I want to be a very fit and healthy person and my family would not have any health problems. My biggest dream is to be happy with the ones I love.
  • Mid-Life Happiness

    Mid-Life Happiness
    Happiness to me will be having a very close happy family that finds it satifying to spend time together. Also, having a husband that comes home every night, happy to see everyone and having no debt with little worries.
  • How Old I Would Like To Live

    How Old I Would Like To Live
    I want to live to be 90-years-old because I want to live a long and happy life. Day by day, I think about my future and I make healthy choices in order to get myself to this older age while still being healthy.