Rachael's Timeline

  • Birth

    A physical "development", my birth marks my entry into this world and the first huge development of my conscious life. It is from this point forward that I can record any other significant developments I've made.
  • Period: to

    My Life

    This timeline is a brief, condensed summary of my life that includes a few of the key events that define who I am as a person today. I have developed tremendously from birth to present day, and hope to represent some of the major points of interest along this timeline.
  • Baptism

    A social (and somewhat moral) development, my baptism into the Catholic church was the beginning of a very long and important period in my life. Though I might not identify as a Catholic anymore, some of my most important memories and developments stem from my time with the church.
  • Separation of Parents

    Separation of Parents
    At a very young age, my parents separated from eachother and as a result I spent most of my early years with my mom. I saw my dad on weekends, but until they reconciled their marriage he was not as prevalent a presence in my life as I would have liked him to have been. I can remember wondering why my dad was never around as a young child, and feeling sad about it more often than not. This was an emotional development for me, as I began to learn to deal with the idea of loss and handle grief.
  • Reconcilliation of Parents

    Reconcilliation of Parents
    Having my parents reconcile their marriage was a happy time in my life. I might not have fully understood the implications of it, but seeing them together again was a source of great joy for me, and I developed tremendously in the social department as i finally got to experience childhood with two parents.
  • Started School

    Started School
    Starting school is an important step in anyone's life, and attending a learning environment on a daily basis helped me develop in more ways than I can possibly count. I progressed socially, as I began spending time with plenty of kids my own age in a structured environment and started developing basic problem solving skills. Intellectually, I began to learn new things everyday and my personality developed through my interactions with new friends.
  • Entry into Rep Softball

    Entry into Rep Softball
    For most of my childhood, sports have been a prevalent presence and have been central to my development. Finally entering into a higher level of softball did amazing things for me, both in terms of my physicality and my mentality. On top of getting me into the best shape I'd ever been in, softball brought out the best aspects of my personality and turned me into the outgoing, bubbly person I am today.
  • Grade 8 Graduation

    Grade 8 Graduation
    Graduating from elementary school was a bittersweet event for me. I had spent the past eight years of my life in that school, and while it was sad to move on, I was excited to start a new chapter in my life. I had learned a lot in those eight years (a severe intellectual development), and was socially preparing myself to enter highschool. Also, I learned a lot that year about saying goodbyes.
  • Freshman Year

    Freshman Year
    Entering highschool was a big, scary, life changing experience. I had to do a lot of growing up in a very short space of time, and I developed significantly in the cognitive department within that first year. My study habits changed, new information was thrust upon me, and my brain began some of the most crucial development it would have to go through. Freshman year did wondrous things for my personality, thankfully, and I continued to develop into a confident, outgoing individual.
  • Transferred to FHCI

    Transferred to FHCI
    My first year of highschool was spent as Ressurrection, a school that is vastly different from FHCI in more ways than can be imagined. Transferring allowed me to meet new people, though, which helped me develop socially, and intellectually as I began moving up throug hthe ranks of highschool.
  • Quit Softball

    Quit Softball
    As previously mentioned, softball was a very prevalent part of my life for as long as I can remember, but this year, due to some coaching issues and priority rearrangements, I decided to call it in. I think this was a decline for me in a few different areas of development, as I began to lose my physical strength. I think there was a bit of a moral decline in my life at this point, too, because many of the morals I upheld through sports (punctuality, hard work, etc) started to slip from my grasp.
  • Started Scuba Diving

    Started Scuba Diving
    Needing a sport back in my life, I took up scuba diving with my father in order to fill that gap. I fell in love with it immediately, and started seeing some of the values I'd lost when I quit softball come back into my life. I became a more intellectually conscious individual, as diving teaches you to be aware of your every thought and move, and met plenty of new people, most of whom were significantly older than me, which, personality wise, caused me to mature more than I ever had before.
  • Mary's Death

    Up until this point, I had never really lost anyone significant in my life and as such had never faced the trauma and implications of death. Mary was my mother's best friend, and I grew up sitting in her lap listening to the stories of her childhood. I loved her like a second mother. Her death shocked me, and taught me how to grieve (an emotional development) and showed me that I have only one life to live, and that I should live it as best as I can. I am now morally stronger than before.
  • Cozumel 2014

    Cozumel 2014
    This year's annual scuba diving trip was precious to me because it showed me the true beauty of the sport Iwant to dedicate my life to. I saw so many amazing things and had such a great overall experience that I feel it has helped develop me as an all around person.