Preliminary Task
This task was to create a school magazine, it was the first time I had done any research into magazines. I researched previous school magazines that had been made and real ones to get an idea of what I needed to include when creating my own. I learnt the basics of what is required in a current magazine. -
Preliminary Task Fnal Product
This is my final product, it had a lot of room for development and improvement but I had learnt a lot about the general creation and production of a magazine. Also, I learnt what should be included in a magazine to interest buyers and readers. -
Starting Research
This is when I started to research the background of different magazine such as; the institutions, how old it is, the best selling magazines and the general history of magazines. From doing this I learnt plenty of things such as how old the most popular and best selling magazines are, the things that are included on a front page cover and I also started to have an idea in my head of how I could improve on my magazine massively. -
Planning For Construction
At this stage I started to plan the layout of my magazine. When doing this I also looked at many other popular magazines in the current market to get the best ideas for my final product. When researching I found that doing a magazine on pop music would be easy and well suited to many people. Again, whilst doing this I looked at examples of things like; front pages, contents pages, double pages, articles, pictures and fonts.This helped me learn how to keep a professional looking product. -
Rate Card
Within the process of planning my magazine I created a rate card as many other current products have. This gave me an idea of what my target audience are like, where the best selling regions would be and what to include in my magazine in order to interest the readers. -
Shoot Planning
In odrer for my magazine to be successful and look professional I had to include pictures which would also my make my product a lot more interesting. During the planning I decided to make my magazine a fashion music genre so I chose my shoots to be very pretty, full makeup and hair and concentrate on the outfits. I planned to shoot in the photography studio which I did and had no trouble arranging a time and model for all of my shoots. -
Layout Planning
This is when I started to plan the layout for my magazine so that when creating my product I would have a rough guide of what to do and also speed up the proccess in doing so. -
First Shoot
This was the image I chose to use as the main photo on my front cover. I really liked this image and thought it looked professional. -
Start Of Construction
At the begining of contsructing my magazine I had a very clear image of what I wanted my magazine to be like with the help from my research and layout planning. This changed throughout the whole process but ultimatly improved my magazine for the better. -
Final Article
I never wrote an article for my preliminary task therefore it took more research and planning to get a final outcome. I learnt a lot from the start of this project by looking and reading other magazines with the same genre as mine which helped me a lot in understanding what my target audience like to see and read. -
Second Shoot
For my second shoot I took the photos in the photography studio again, I think the use of the studio makes my images very clear and in focus, also very fashion relatable but also keeping the theme of music. -
Final Contents Page
My final contents page definitely shows a massive improvement from my preliminary task and I have learnt a huge amount about what is required for a contents page, how to attract your target market and the layout. There is a big difference between my school magazine and music magazine, there is far more deatil a debth gone into my music magazine this is from the help of my research. -
Final Double Page
My final double page will definately attract the target audience I chose and fits well with the genre. I had never created a magazine double page spread before and so this was new to me, but it is clearly shown how much I have learnt through out the planning, research and contruction from my preliminary task. -
Construction Of Contents Page
When creating my contents page I used Q magazine as big inspiration for my product, during the construction my contents page over time from learning what was required in a contents page and looking at other magazines it really helped me. -
Final Front cover
After changing my front cover around many times and not sticking to the full layout plan I created I feel as though the final front cover product looks very professional. I used a very clear simple photo which would attract customers. From research and experience my final front cover magazine shows I have come along way and learnt a lot in this process.