Question 7

  • Preliminary Task

    Preliminary Task
    As well as this the price of magazine is unrealistic which shows poor research on my behalf; I feel this price would not compete well in the music industry as it makes the magazine look unprofessional. However, I feel I successfully created cover lines which created enigmas; this feature would attract readers to the magazine.
  • Preliminary Task

    Preliminary Task
    When creating my preliminary piece I had little knowledge on magazines and the official layout. I understood the need for a masthead, strapline, main image and cover lines however I was unaware of the time taken to produce these features. When creating my mast head I did not compare typography. As well as this the colour pallet chosen is bland and uninventive as the main colours are blue and black. This I feel does not make the magazine stand out but does however represent Winstanley College.
  • Preliminary Task

    Preliminary Task
    When creating the contents page I was unaware of the paradigmatic and syntagmatic approaches when structuring the copy of each section. Although I did incorporate page numbers in a chronological order there is no professional graphology that gives the magazine a signature house style. The image used has also been poorly edited as I did not use a magnetic lasso.
  • Planning

    Finally, I created three drawing plans of a cover page, a contents page and a double page spread to create guidelines to follow later on in the production stage. These drawings allowed me to test out ideas and position text and images in places I felt would work. In doing all this I was able to reach the internal deadline. Over all research allowed me to establish the professionalism my preliminary task lacked.
  • Planning

    When planning the photo-shoot and production of the magazine I brainstormed a number of magazine names such as Wallflower and Shout. In doing this I also thought about genre, target audience and price of my magazine through the use of a spider diagram. After this I used websites and Adobe Photoshop to create a variety of styles giving me possibilities for my logo. This enabled me to create a unique logo which I was able to compare to the logos I had seen in other magazines in my research.
  • Planning

    In reference to the photo shoot, I was able to create a set timescale for each one, with a location in mind for each one. This saved a lot of time and enabled me to decrease the amount of time spent on each one as any problems caused by lack of planning were avoided. As well as this, the photos taken were of a better quality and displayed in the correct way which was a result of research. I learned which kind of photos were acceptable for music magazines and what mise en scene was necessary.
  • Construction and Production

    Construction and Production
    In comparison to the preliminary task I was able to create my magazine with ease as I had a wider understanding of Adobe Photoshop. As well as this I was able to base ideas around my plan as well as using my researched magazines for inspiration. In doing this I produced a product that highlighted the features the participants in my survey had expressed were important to them. This includes a main image that is clear and is not hidden by any text.
  • Construction and Production

    Construction and Production
    When constructing the contents page the quality of product had increased greatly since the preliminary task. I produced a structured skeleton for the page, allowing me to plan which feature is situated where. In doing this I used Adobe Photoshop to its full potential by creating a house style through colour schemes and column titles such as 'regulars' and 'features' giving the magazine a sense of similarity. I also made use of edited photos which were precise and perfected.
  • Construction and Production

    Construction and Production
    Finally, when constructing the double page spread I felt I learned a lot through research. When constructing this I took inspiration from NME and used specific features to create my own house style. From this process I developed my understanding of a Q&A and how to present one professionally. I did this through pull quotes, columns and a striking main image alongside a bold masthead.