Post ideas of music videos
Exploring as many ideas as possible before deciding on an idea. This will make me reflect which of the ideas are more realistic to produce. -
Try to finish all case studied for task #2
Pick a song/make a decission
Explore the lyrics of chosen song
Deadline Task #1: creative Ideas/scheduling
Upload all the research/case studied
Deadline Task #2: research/case Studies (music video)
Write treatment
Task #3 Deadline: Treatment
Attributing roles and responsabilities
Focus groups/pitch / DEADLINE: post the focus groups on blog
Try to draw storyboard with partner
Fix treatment & add feedback from peers
Further discuss the narrative with partner
Deadline Task #4 : Upload new version of treatment
E-mail the record label for authorisation to use the artists' song
Upload storyboard
Upload Risk Assesments
Upload Talent Release Form
Upload Production Schedule
Upload Call Sheets
Upload roles & responsabilities
Team Meeting
Upload Recce
Deadline Task #5: Pre-Production
Upload Location Release Form
Team Meeting 2
Deadline: AS/A2 Reflection
Audition Day
Decision-making regarding our actors
Preparations for filming
Preparations for filming #2
Deadline Task #6: Shooting the Video
Starting video editing in final cut pro
Update information about my experinence of editing in final cut pro
Presenting unfinished vesion of our music video to peers/Feedback
Editing the video by applying the feedback recieved
Try to slowly finish editing the video
Deadline Task #7: Editing the video
Second screening of our music video(final version) + feedback from peers
Try to write CD/magazine advert evaluation
Write print product evaluation on Rihanna
Write print product evaluation on Miley Cyrus
Write print product evaluation on Lady Gaga
Write magazine advert evaluation on Rihanna
Write magazine advert on Lady Gaga
Write magazine advert evaluation on Jessie J
Case Study- Print Products DEADLINE
Produce & post photography call sheet
Do a collage and brainstorm ideas for print products
Create the pitch for our presentation
Deadline Task #8 : Pitching print product ideas
Do the contact sheets for photographs
Photography sessions
Create different layers for print products
Deadline Task #9: Photography Call Sheet
Front Cover - design progress
CD back cover - design progress
CD design -progress
CD extra (desin progress)
Magazine advert (progression)
Deadline Task #9: CD/DVD digipack+ Advert has to be finished
Try to do Question 1
Try to write question 2
Try to write question 3
Try to write question 4
Try to create wix website for question 1
Try to create prezo for question 2
Try ti create slide share for question 3
Try to create glogster for question 4
Deadline: Evaluation