question 7

  • Prelimanary task

    Prelimanary task
    This was the first stage of the prelimenary task where i researched other magazines for ideas.
  • magazine creation (prelim)

    magazine creation (prelim)
    This is where i made my school magazine. I was impressed with the magazine i had created including my own photographs. but i feel that the magazine could have been improved a lot and i have learned a lot from my mistakes.
  • research and planning

    research and planning
    For this task we started the research and planning stage to our project.
  • Interviewing shopkeeper

    Interviewing shopkeeper
    In this task we had to go to a local newsagents and ask the shopkeeper questions about music magazines, for example i asked about the layout of a music magazine and how they order the magazines in a shop.
  • Researching magazines

    Researching magazines
    for this task i had to research existing magazines so that i could figure out what elements are most important when it comes to making it look professional.
  • researching rate cards

    researching rate cards
    This step was important because we had to find out what rate cards were and how they helped a company become successful.
  • Thinking of a concept

    This is where i used all the information that i had up to this point to create a mind map which would help me to figure out what genre my magazine will be. what the colour schemes will be and what sort of fonts will be used
  • fashion

    For this task i researched what sort of clothing people where when it comes to rock magazines. I did this by researching many different well known magazines like kerrang. and then looked at the style of the bands and solo artists.
  • Band name research

    Band name research
    Here i had a look at band names that already existed in this area of music. then i had a look at which fonts will look good with the name.
  • Craeting magazine

    Craeting magazine
    For the first task of the construction i creating a plan of what the design of my magazine will be and how each part of the magazine is relevant to this magazines success.
  • Construction front cover

    Construction front cover
    Here i started creating my front cover and started experimenting with the layout of the cover and seeing if the magazing is as appealing as i thought it was when i planned it.
  • construction double page spread

    construction double page spread
    This is where i started putting together my double page spread. Including the photoshoot i had done and also the article that i had created earler.
  • construction contents page

    construction contents page
    This is where i created the contents page by applying all my ideas from earlier in the year with my plans. This includes the same colour schemes as my other pages.
  • Final Magazine

    Final Magazine
    This is the final version of each individual page of my magazine which includes the front cover, contents page and double page spread.