Quest 12

By Jack_7
  • Fidel Castro

    Fidel Castro
    Studying law at the University of Havana, Castro became critical of the U.S imperialist rule in the Caribbean. Participating in various rallies, he soon received various death threats.
  • Simon Bolivar

    Simon Bolivar
    Jose de San Martin then declared the Independence of Peru, in 1821, and abolished the servitude of the Indians. San Martin was officially appointed as “the Protector” of Peru.
  • Jose de San Martin

    Jose de San Martin
    The revolution of Tupac Amaru failed because it was led by an Indian minority.
  • Tupac Amaru II

    Tupac Amaru II
    Tupac Amaru grew tired of observing the daily suffering imposed upon his people. He began to petition the authorities to alleviate Indian oppression. After being ignored repeatedly, he decided to revolt.
  • Bartolome de las Casas

    Bartolome de las Casas
    During Spanish colonization, everyone praised the feats of the Spaniards, who brought civilization and Catholicism to the natives. However, nobody clearly recognized the atrocities natives were exposed to torture
  • Oscar Arnulfo Romero

    Oscar Arnulfo Romero
    During the 1970’s something happened to the Catholic Church. Usually churches preach a particular message to the poor. Their homilies are based in the holiness of poverty, humility, and the virtue of obedience. Such lessons were intended to make the masses submit to their fate. However, a particular movement appeared in the Catholic Church during the 1960’s. Latin American priests began practicing what they later called “the theology of liberation.” This doctrine consisted in carefully reading
  • Ernesto “Che” Guevara

    Ernesto “Che” Guevara
    Ernesto Guevara was going to live a peaceful life as a doctor in Argentina. But one day, he decided to travel to the rest of South America. The repercussions of such choice are still felt nowadays. If traveling is the best education, Guevara learned painful lessons.
  • Rafael Trujillo

    Rafael Trujillo
    Rafael Trujillo, “the Generalisimo”, was a former Dominican dictator. As a soldier, he was trained by the U.S marines and impressed his recruiters. Due to his outstanding qualities, Trujillo was easily promoted: he turned from lieutenant to Commander in Chief in only nine years.
  • Augusto Pinochet

    Augusto Pinochet
    When Salvador Allende assumed presidential office, he nationalized most large-scale industries. American investments, heavily invested in mining, were shut off completely. Basically, millions of dollars were lost once Allende issued his reforms.
  • Eva Peron

    Eva Peron
    Eva formed a union of artists and was given the chance to host a daily radio show. The show “Toward a Better future” transmitted soap operas idealizing Juan Peron. Also, General Peron speeches were often broadcast. But the stellar figure was Eva, who spoke with the slang used in the shantytowns. Having a poor background was the greatest quality Eva had.