Pysch Timeline

  • Birth/Newborn

    When I was first born I was closer with my mom. Like in the stage 1: Trust v Mistrust by Erik Eriksons. Once, I was welcomed into the world I first met my mom and she provided the most amount of care to me so I got attached to her. As a baby I obviously had a warm relationship with my mom because she was in aw of her new love and as any mother would be she was nervous for my well being.
  • Kindergarten

    When I started kindergarten grade I did not want to leave my parents. When it came time to go to school I would pout I did not want to say goodbye to my parents for the day. My dad would have to bring me to school everyday and walk me into my class to make sure I was okay. Unlike Stage 3: Initiative v guilt by Erik Eriksons. Eriksons believed that you gained independence but I did not gain independence then because I didn't want to be without my parents.
  • Second Grade

    Second Grade
    In the second grade I was seven years old and when I was seven I related to Horneys personality formation. I was afraid of being alone and I was always depending on either my parents or older brother. I also agree with Horneys point of view on personality because I also tried to feel power over younger family members.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    At this time, I was about 11 years old -14 years old. During, these years I found who I wanted to be for the most part. I realized that I wanted to play field hockey and I also learned who I'd be friends with. In the eighth grade, I made some friends who I still happen to be friends with. Here I agree with stage 5: identity v identity confusion. During this stage you find your purpose in life and you find your groups. I agree because I found what I liked to do and I found my friends.
  • Honor Roll- Student of the Month

    Honor Roll- Student of the Month
    When I was in middle school I made the honor roll every year and then when I got to high school I made honor roll one time. Although, I haven't made honor roll recently I have been Student Of The Month. This relates to Stage 4; industry vs inferiority because I have made accomplishments, I have self pride, and I've received awards just like the definition of stage 4 includes.
  • My Life Now

    In my life right now I am mature and I have developed some serious relationships. Here I agree with Stage 5: genital stage by Sigmund Freud. The genital stage takes place between 12 years old and adult and i'm in between those ages. At this stage, you must devlop maturtity and you balance relationships and work. I have developed maturity and I must balance my school work, work, family, and friends.