Psych Developmental Project

  • My first breath

    Shortly after being born, I breathed my first breath and saw the outside world for the first time in my life, though obviously I cannot remember this event.
  • My first time walking

    Apparently I learned to walk rather late. I was an efficient crawler and as such could crawl places mightily fast, and therefore didn’t feel the need to try walking yet. Eventually though, when I was 1 1/2 years old on my mom’s birthday I walked for the first time.
  • Attending school for the first time/my first day at preschool

    Apparently I had no trouble going to school for the first time, just like my sister. We both just walked on into school and never looked back. We didn’t cry or anything. My mom always talks about this fact with pride, but now I’m wondering if perhaps it means we didn’t have secure attachments to her. But anyways, this event marked the beginning of my education which is one of the largest, most important things in my life right now and I can’t ever remember not being in school either.
  • Soccer, golf and gymnastics

    My first first attempt at sports was soccer. I tripped, fell on my face in the mud, and then rage quit because I was a tiny human so that didn’t work out. Then I did some gymnastics but I wasn’t too great at that either. It was still a lot of fun though, especially the trampolines and jumping into the pit of foam blocks. Then, however, my sister, some other kids, and I started learning golf from an old pro. Apparently I was a natural and this was when my parents learned I was athletic.
  • Having a hard time with multiplication

    At my old school I was a year ahead in math. However, in 2nd grade I struggled with multiplication so my grandma had to tutor me over the summer. Thankfully everyone at FCS was a year behind me in math, so I got to take 2nd grade math again in 3rd grade, and with the tutoring from my grandma I did much better. Nevertheless, this incident drained my confidence in my math skills. Ever since then even if people tell me I’m good at it, I still doubt my math skills.
  • Moving from Williamsburg to King George

    Just after I finished 2nd grade, my family and I moved up here to King George because my dad’s job moved. I stayed with my grandma while my grandpa and parents moved everything into the new house. Then I went to look at our new house for the first time and move in there. The move here has greatly impacted my life and because of it I was able to meet new people, make great friendships, and be exposed to things I might not have been back in Williamsburg.
  • First day of school in a new school

    First day of school in a new school
    The first day at FCS I spent the day with Abby Rienhart and Alyssa (she no longer goes here). They made me feel very welcome which was nice. Though I was sad to leave Williamsburg behind and though apparently a lot of the children at the school I previously had attended really liked me and even “followed” me according to the teachers, they didn’t feel like friends to me, so I was happy to meet new people and make new friends at FCS, though I was a bit nervous at first.
  • First time attending camp

    First time attending camp
    From 2013 to 2019 I attended Kaleidoscope camp each summer (there’s different weeks for different age ranges). It’s in Williamsburg so it allowed me to keep in touch with a few of my old schoolmates and camp also lead to my love of the outdoors. I love going hiking and doing other adventurous outdoor things and I made many fond memories at camp.
  • Learning to swim

    Back when I was very little and still lived in Williamsburg, I almost drowned in the pool. I slipped off the steps into a more deeper area of the pool where I couldn’t touch the bottom. I felt like I was about to drown so I called out to my mom but she didn’t do anything because she thought I was doggy paddling just fine. Because if this, I became scared of the water and refused to even put my head under water again until I was 9. Thus, I didn’t learn to swim until I was 9.
  • Getting a Kindle Fire for Christmas

    My parents tried to limit our technology use as young kids and thus we spent most of our time outside, though we did play the wii, use our mom’s computer, or watch TV every now and then, usually on the weekends. However, this was my first time having my own, personal electronic device. Though we were only allowed one charge a week, I guess you could say this was the start of my addiction to and reliance on technology.
  • Discovering that modern music was a thing

    On my new kindle fire, there were games, books, the internet, and most importantly music. Previously, I had only ever heard my dad’s music which was for the most part 60s, 70s, and 80s, music, so I had very little exposure to 2000s music, especially since my sister only liked listening to classical music on the radio so i only ever heard that or my dad’s music. My kindle allowed me to explore modern music though, and I quickly came to love it. Music is still something I’m quite interested in.
  • Getting caught watching scooby doo late at night

    My parents had made me sign an agreement when I first got my kindle, laying down what I could and couldn’t do with it. One of the things in that extensive list was a curfew. But, one night I wasn’t tired so I violated that rule by watching scooby doo on it in the night. I didn’t get caught so I did this for many nights until I was finally caught. This then destroyed my mom’s trust in me and was the first break in our bond. From then on she’s never really fully trusted me again.
  • Chinese watercolor

    From 2015 to 2017 I took art lessons with Leah on Thursdays. It was a lot of fun and it really improved my art skills and helped me grow my creative side. Additionally, I improved my painting skills, particularly in watercolor, and learned to use various brushing techniques among other things.
  • Trying field hockey for the first time

    Trying field hockey for the first time
    Even though I was apparently a prodigy at golf, it was boring to me and I wanted to do something more interesting. I was also an extremely energetic kid so golf just want enough action for me. Then with my dad’s help I discovered field hockey, which at the time just looked like a much more fast-paced and violent version of golf, so it seemed pretty much perfect to me. Ever since then it’s been my main sport and I enjoy it greatly.
  • Adopted a cat

    Adopted a cat
    Technically we adopted two cats(Sam, named for Samwise from LOTR, and Mercedes, named after the car) but they didn’t get along so we had to return the one who was causing fights between the two. In the end we kept Mercedes and she is now a very important member of the family.
  • Getting cut form the field hockey team

    Getting cut form the field hockey team
    In 7th grade I’d made it onto the team since there weren’t any cuts. The next year, though, there were cuts due to the number of people who tried out. I was sure I’d make it on the team since I had the year before, but I got cut and was only a practice player. This was devastating for me, so I worked hard to improve myself and I learned perseverance. Because of that extra practice in 8th grade, the next year I not only made the team, but also became a regular starter partway through the season.
  • Introduction to kpop

    In 2018 Leah introduced me to kpop. It was new and intriguing and I quickly came to like it. Leah, Catie, and I then ended up binding over it and that’s how I ended up becoming good friends with Catie because before I hadn’t really talked to her much. Additionally, it led me to end up dancing for some talent shows with my friends which was fun.
  • 8th grade retreat

    During 8th grade retreat I became much closer to God and rededicated my life to Him. I had begun to drift away, but this event helped bring me back to Him and get my priorities straight.
  • Talent show

    Talent show
    Though I dance in my room a lot, in 2019 I danced on stage with my friends for a talent show the first time. Well, technically I was in a play in 2nd grade so it wasn’t really the first time but that play was horrible so we don’t talk about that. Anyways, I thought I would be nervous but I ended up having a great time and now I enjoy dancing with my friends, so it sort of opened up/expanded a new hobby for me.
  • Getting my license

    I began driving in January of 2020 and by October I got my license. It has given me extra freedom because I can now drive myself places without my parents having to take me there.
  • First job

    I was going to get a job last summer but then the lockdown happened so I didn’t get one. But anyways, when I get my first job I’ll get paid of the first time and I believe it will give me a feeling of both accomplishment and independence and could potentially prepare me for future jobs I might hold as well.
  • Graduating from FCS/going to college

    In 2022 I will graduate high school and move on to college. I will live independently away from my parents for the first time at college and I will have to learn to do more things myself. I will begin making the transition into adulthood where I will be the one taking care of myself. However, in addition to added responsibility I’ll get added freedom too which will be nice.
  • Dating

    To be honest I have no idea when or if I’ll ever end up dating someone, but for the purpose of this timeline I’ll just say that I’ll start dating someone when I’m a sophomore in college.
  • Graduating college/entering workforce

    In 2026 I will hopefully graduate from college and will enter the workforce. My years of schooling will finally be over and I will begin to work and live on my own. Though this could be a stressful time for me, I feel like I’ll probably enjoy it.
  • Premature death

    I don’t know why but ever since I was little I’ve alway had the notion that I was going to die young. This notion was so strong that I’d always be looking for things that were wrong with me or other various signs that my death might soon be approaching, yet this was never out of fear. For some reason I’ve always felt more excitement than anything else at the prospect of a premature death which sounds weird I know, but that’s just how it is. I still feel similarly today.