• Birth

    I was born on November 16, 2000, on the island of Maui. The delivery process was by c-section (cesarean delivery) because it was apparent that my head was too big compared to my mother's pelvis. This complication is known as Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD). Despite this complication, the delivery process was successful even though I was not delivered by traditional vaginal birth. (Relates to Section 3.1 - Cesarean Delivery)
  • Neonatal Jaundice

    Neonatal Jaundice
    After my birth, it was apparent that I had neonatal jaundice. My skin and eyeballs were yellow in color which meant that my liver was not fully developed. However, my parents were not worried, as my doctor assured them that neonatal jaundice was quite common. I received phototherapy and in a few days, I was fully recovered. (Relates to Section 3.3 - Measuring Neonatal Health).
  • First Spoken Word

    First Spoken Word
    After periods of "cooing" and "babbling", I eventually spoke my first word as I closed in on my first birthday. My first word was "Momma" which is quite common for being a baby's first word. As time passed, I moved on to other words such as "Dadda" and "Bye-Bye". (Relates to Section 4.6 - Cognitive Development: The Beginnings of Language).
  • First Steps

    First Steps
    I took my first steps around the time of my first birthday. After the period of crawling, my gross motor development continued and I would eventually start to walk. According to my mother, I would walk similar to a mummy with my arms out in front of me as I attempted to keep my balance. (Relates to Section 4.3 - Physical Development: Motor and Sensory Development).
  • Period: to

    Toilet Training

    Despite the decline of parents choosing to potty-train their kids early, my parents agreed to potty-train me when I was around 20 months old. My parents were aware that early potty-training was not necessary, but they thought I was prepared enough and ready to learn. According to my parents, I learned quite quickly, as I was potty-trained in several months. (Relates to Section 5.2 - Physical Development: Socializing Physical Functions)
  • Interest Sparked for Boy Toys

    Interest Sparked for Boy Toys
    My parents quickly attempted to convey gender messages toward me as they bought many masculine toys for me. Compared to my sister who played with barbie dolls and stuffed animals, I found interest in playing with toy trucks and figurines. While I was not aware at the time, it was apparent that I was appointed with the male gender. (Relates to Section 5.5 - Emotional and Social Development: Emotional Development in Toddlerhood)
  • Made Two Very Close Friends

    Made Two Very Close Friends
    During preschool, I met many peers who I would become acquaintances with throughout my future in schooling. However, there were two students, Eddie and Jayden, who I would make life-long friendships with. Throughout our time in preschool, we would play and interact with one another, as our bond with one another strengthened. (Relates to Section 6.9 - Emotional and Social Development: The Child's Expanding Social World)
  • Period: to


    I attended Preschool from the ages of 4 to 5. My preschool consisted of around 30 students which is slightly above the ideal student to teacher ratio. During the morning, we participated in basic activities, in which our verbal and social skills could enhance from. At first, I dreaded going, as I would not leave my parents' side when they dropped me off, but eventually, I would adjust to the new setting. (Relates to Section 6.5 - Cognitive Development: Early Childhood Education)
  • Period: to

    Elementary School

    I attended a public elementary school from 2006 to 2011. During the school day, we focused on language arts and mathematics, while also making time for music and art. We were graded based on our performance, participation, and social skills, rather than solely our intelligence. (Relates to Section 7.5 - Cognitive Development: School in Middle Childhood)
  • Period: to

    Participated in Cub Scouts

    I decided to join cub scouts because my two close friends, Eddie and Jayden, were also interested in it. Our shared activities and interests influenced all of us to join. In cub scouts, I would meet other boys who shared the same interests as me, thus my friend group expanded. (Relates to Section 7.7 - Emotional and Social Development: The Social and Cultural Contexts of Middle Childhood)
  • Started Playing Baseball and Basketball

    Started Playing Baseball and Basketball
    As my gross motor development advanced, my parents signed me up to play basketball and baseball in our county leagues. My parents wanted me to engage in a sport to allow increased physical activity in my life. During this time, my coordination, balance, and agility enhanced as well. I favored playing basketball compared to baseball but continued to play both throughout my childhood. (Relates to Section 7.1 Physical Development - Growth in Middle Childhood)
  • Period: to

    Middle School

    I attended a public middle school from 2011 to 2014. During my time in middle school, I studied the basic schooling subjects of science, math, language arts, and social studies. In addition, I also was apart of my school's band program. As a result of being in the band, I was able to strengthen my friend group, thus I could properly deal with any stress or anxiety. (Relates to Section 8.4 - Cognitive Development: Education and Work)
  • Period: to

    High School

    I attended a public high school from 2014 to 2018. Besides the friends I already had, I made new friends who were in the same classes and shared the same academic interests as me. I was a part of a clique made up of nine people (five boys and four girls). During school, we would always be around one another during lunch and recess. Similarly, outside of school, we would stay at each other's houses and go places together. (Relates to Section 8.7 - Emotional and Social Development)
  • Period: to

    Ran Cross-Country and Track & Field for High School

    In regard to puberty, I matured early compared to my peers. By the start of high school, I felt more masculine and muscular than before. I decided to run cross-country and track & field for my school because I felt it was the best sport in which I would succeed at with my newly matured body. (Relates to Section 8.1 - Physical Development: Biological Changes of Puberty)
  • Created an Instagram Account

    Created an Instagram Account
    Playing online video games and browsing the internet was part of my daily life during my adolescence. After owning my first smartphone, I downloaded Instagram and created a personal account. Through Instagram and texting, I was able to communicate with my friends digitally. After creating my Instagram account, my phone usage drastically increased as I became adept to the social world of the internet. (Relates to Section 8.7 - Emotional and Social Development)
  • Period: to

    First Romantic Relationship

    During the tenth grade, I was engaged in my first romantic relationship with a girl. She was the first girl who I was physically and mentally interested in. During school, we would hang out with one another throughout the day. Also, we went on several dates and texted/talked on the phone a lot. Although we did not last, it was my first experience in a romantic relationship with another person. (Relates to Section 8.7 - Emotional and Social Development)
  • Period: to

    Worked at My First Job

    My first job was at a trampoline park, in which I monitored the various customers. I worked part-time and was paid minimum wage. While the work was tedious, I became more responsible and timely than before. My job served as a great start point for my place in the workforce. (Relates to Section 8.4 - Cognitive Development: Education and Work)
  • Period: to

    Participated in Therapy

    During my senior year of high school, I was very stressed due to the combination of many AP classes and applying for colleges. For a period of time, I rarely hung out with my friends, in which I chose to study instead of having fun. In result, I was often in a sad mood which worried my parents, thus they sent me to see a therapist in fear of depression. My therapist did not diagnosis me with any major depression disorder, but I was advised to relax more often than usual. (Relates to Section 8.8)
  • Started College at the University of Washington

    Started College at the University of Washington
    During August 2018, I started my time as a college student. For the next three years, I will be attending the University of Washington - Seattle Campus while majoring in Psychology with Pre-med. Adjusting to college life was quite easy for me as I enjoyed the life of independence and responsibility. Considering I want to be a psychiatrist, attaining a bachelor's degree and eventually, getting into medical school, will be a necessity. (Relates to Section 9.5 - Cognitive Development)
  • Started Volunteering at the University of Washington Medical Center

    Started Volunteering at the University of Washington Medical Center
    During the start of 2019, I started volunteering at the University of Washington Medical Center. Throughout the day I would wheelchair, comfort, and escort patients in the hospital. I would like to be a psychiatrist in the future, thus attaining volunteer hours for medical school is required. By volunteering, I am gaining experience and a sense of self-development of the career I would like to pursue in the future. (Relates to Section 9.6 - Emotional and Social Development)
  • Consulted with a Doctor in regard to my Sleep Issues

    Consulted with a Doctor in regard to my Sleep Issues
    Due to many hours of studying, my sleep schedule was heavily impacted during my first year in college. Also, due to stress, I had a hard time going to sleep at a reasonable time. As a result, I decided to consult with a doctor about my sleep issues. Currently, I am attempting to fix my sleep issues and get my sleep schedule back on track. (Relates to Section 9.2 - Physical Development: Physical Changes of Emerging Adulthood)