PSY Developmental Timeline

  • Infancy: Physical Development

    I was walking before I was 1. I would stand with the help of the couch and then I eventually started walking towards my mom, grandpa, etc.
  • Infancy: Cognitive Development

    During the sensorimotor stage of Piaget’s cognitive development stages I would giggle a little when people would give me attention and touch my hair. Like how other babies would coo as the example on the chart in the book.
  • Birth

    I was born 04/03/2000 in Cullum, AL via C-section. My mom, dad, and older sister (who was 7 at the time) were on their way to to the hospital because my mom was in labor. It was raining ( it always does on my birthday) and someone swerved causing my family's car to swerve off the road. No one was hurt in the accident other than my pregnant mother. She shattered her spine.
  • Mom and Dad divorce

    My dad was cheating on my mom and did her dirty, by serving her with divorce papers while she is still in the hospital.
  • Infancy: Language Development

    My first word was "mama"
  • Infancy: Physical Development

    I played Hide and seek and peek a boo to encourage gross motor skills. Putting blocks in the right place and stacking them helped my fine motor skills.
  • Infancy: Physical Development

    I would sleep 7-8 hours. I would never nap and my mom says everyone was always coming in and out and that is probably why I didn’t sleep as much.
  • Early Childhood: Cognitive Development

    First Memory: My first memory is of honking the horn in my grandpa's big truck. This was when I was around 3.
  • Early Childhood: Emotional development

    My mom was emotion-coaching and my step-dad was more emotion-dismissing. My mom would ask why we feeling the way we were and would help us identity what we were actual feeling, for example if I said I was mad at one of my siblings for ignoring me my mom would be like are you actually mad or did they hurt your feeling when they wouldn’t play with you? My step-dad on the other hand would be like suck it up.
  • Early Childhood: Physical Development

    Early Childhood: Physical Development
    I played t-ball, swam, and played basketball to encourage motor skills. Things that helped my fine motor skills were fishing, t-ball, and learning how to color and write.
  • Early Childhood: Cognitive Development

    For the preoperational thought stage, I would always ask why. I would get on everyone’s nerves. I would ask why the sky way blue and whatever answer I would be given I would question that too.
  • Mom remarries

    My mom and my step-dad Shane married. I gain 3 siblings: Destiny (6), Jojo (8), and Tasha (9).
  • Little Sister is Born

    Samantha Fay Gilliland was born. She is my step-dad's and mom's kid. She makes me have 6 siblings total.
  • Start Kindergarten

  • Early Childhood: Language Development

    My mom would read to us and we also played a game called the ABC game to increase our vocabulary. You plan the game in a car. You start with the letter A. You have to find a word that starts with “A” outside of the car like on a sign or something. For example, if you pass an Applebee’s you would say A Applebee’s. Then you would move on to “B”. And so on and so forth.
  • Early Childhood: Individual Development

    I lost my grandpa when I was 6. We have basically always lived with my grandparents so when he died I had not quite got the concept that death was permanent. I would ask if we would see him when we went hiking and when I would see a big truck I would ask if he was driving one.
  • Middle to Late Childhood: Cognitive Development

    During Piaget’s concrete operational stage I would always order my cards when we played card games by color.
  • Middle to Late Childhood: Physical Development

    For gross skills development I swam, played basketball, and went hiking and climbing. I learned to do my hair like putting it up and stuff, I did simple braided and beaded bracelets, and I tried my hand at cake decorating to encourage the fine skills.
  • Middle to Late Childhood: Physical Development

    During middle to late childhood, I got around 7-8 hours of sleep. I still hated naps at this point, and I was a morning person. I was always the first one up out of my siblings.
  • Middle to Late Childhood: Emotional development

    I would go outside and hike or climb stuff to deal with stress. I would also bake stuff sometimes when I was stressed.
  • Adolescence: Physical/ Individual Development.

    My eyesight started going bad when I was in the 7th grade. I used to get terrible headaches when I was younger and a medicine, I was taking effected my vision. Within the year I was on the medicine my eyesight went from perfect to I could not see anything that was not right in front of me. I noticed this decline when I could not read the board in class and when I could not play the ABC game as well.
  • Adolescence: Physical Development

    When I was a adolescence I probably got around 9-10 hours of sleep. Sports tired me out and I really liked to nap.
  • Siblings

    Family pictures
  • Adolescence: Physical Development

    I played basketball and volleyball, swam, and ran to encourage gross motor skills. To encourage fine motor skills I did many crafts such as making bracelets (both braided and beaded) and I learned how to braid hair.
  • Adolescence: Language Development

    Me and my friends and family use a lot of slang like deceased (which is used when something is funny), y’all (you all), lmk (let me know), omw (on my way), and bet ( which is like definitely). I would use most of these in informal settings and definitely would not include them in a paper or email.
  • Indiana

    My brother, his wife, my nephew, my dad, and my gorgeous hair when I visited in them in Indiana.
  • Warped Tour 2015

    Warped Tour 2015
    Me and my older sister with Metro Station at Warped Tour.
  • First Job

    Started first job, McDonald's in Hamilton, AL.
  • Christmas 2017

    Christmas 2017
    I spent christmas in Alaska with my brother.
  • My best friends

    My best friends
    Austin, Kaylee, me, and Selena
  • Graduated High School

    Graduated High School
    I graduated valedictorian.
  • Start UAB

    Start UAB
    Started college and moved out for first time. Majoring in nursing. My mom and step-dad are the ones in the picture.
  • NF concert

    NF concert
    Me and my best friend Selena went to see NF here in BHAM.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Emotional development

    Emerging Adulthood: Emotional development
    As an emerging adult I try to manage my stress by not overbooking myself, hanging out/ talking to my friends and family, reading, spending time outdoors, and bubble baths.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Individual Development

    I feel like the results of the Big 5 Personality test did not represent me well. I have always been conscientious, open-minded, relaxed, and agreeable. I used to way more extraverted than I am now though.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Physical Development

    On my mother’s side diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer, heart disease pose a risk. On my father’s side there is cancer. To prevent the skin cancer that is present on both sides of my family I try to always wear sunscreen if I know I am going to be outside. To help prevent the diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease I am going to watch what I eat and stay active.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Identity Development

    I would say I am currently in identity achievement. I am in identity achievement because I have changed my mind about what I am going to do and be many times and been in crisis but I decided who I want to be career wise and ideology wise.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Physical Development

    My sleep duration now is very varied. Sometimes I get 9+ hours and then sometimes I barely get 5 hours of sleep so I guess I would so say the average amount of sleep I get is 7 hours.
  • First Christmas all together in years

    First Christmas all together in years