By msmatas
  • Birth

    On August 18, 1995 I was born at 4:53am on the island of Oahu by vaginal birth, after 7 hours of labor and an epidural shot. (Section 3.1 and 3.2)
  • Period: to

    Adventures With Grandma!

    Would stay with my Grandma while my parents were working, and siblings were at school. Being away from my parents for long hours, we would catch the bus every single day and explore the island, and I would make friends at the different parks we went to. (Sections 4.9, 5.6 and 5.7)
  • First Efforts In Communication

    First Efforts In Communication
    Learning to use hand gestures, facial expression and verbal language to communicate with those around me. My first words were Mama and Dada! Mom and Dad, and everyone else around me are trying to figure out what I'm communicating to get me to stop crying etc. (Sections 3.6 and 4.6)
  • Eating Solid Foods

    Eating Solid Foods
    A little after making 5 months, my parents started feeding me rice cereal for 2 weeks untl they finally had me try real food! My first solid food ever was Spaghetti! Maybe this is why I love spaghetti so much even today! (Section 4.2)
  • Learning To Walk

    Learning To Walk
    Learning to stand and taking my first steps in the comfort of my very own home! (Section 5.1)
  • Toilet Training

    Toilet Training
    Learning to tell someone when I need to go to the bathroom, and actively and successfully learning to use the toilet. (Section 5.2)
  • First Trip

    First Trip
    Went off island for the very first time when I was 3 years old, and traveled to Nevada and California to visit and meet my Auntie, Uncle and newborn cousin all for the very first time. When my family would do tourist things or things that I was too little to do, they would sometimes leave me back at home with my Auntie and newborn cousin. I would cry for the first couple hours, and then fall asleep. I was told they'd usually be back by the time I got up. (Section 5.6)
  • First day of Kindergarten!

    First day of Kindergarten!
    Never being in pre-school before, I was entering a completely new environment, making new friends, expanding my social life! My first friends in Kindergarten were Deja, Sara and Isaiah! (Sections 6.5 and 6.9)
  • Winning my first Art Contest

    Winning my first Art Contest
    Growing up, our dad -who is skillful at drawing- would double check our work to make sure that lines were straight, we were coloring inside the lines, etc. I grew to love art! In the first quarter of Kindergarten, we had an assignment to paint a self portrait of ourselves. Without knowing, my teacher had submitted mine into a contest between students in each grade level, and I won 1st place for the Kindergarten grade level! My artwork was displayed in a nearby theatre. (Sections 2.2 and 7.5)
  • First Time Out Of Country

    First Time Out Of Country
    At the age of 6, I flew out of country for the first time to the Philippines! Meeting and watching my family members, learning firsthand about a different culture and their lifestyle. We went to my family's farm, where little kids were helping to harvest crops, and plow them too. It was very amusing to me as a young child to see other kids working so hard! (Section 1.4)
  • Meeting My First Best Friends

    Meeting My First Best Friends
    Entering the 1st grade, I met my first best friends. Learning to trust them and knowing that we respected each other. (Sections 6.9 and 7.7)
  • Puberty

    In the 7th grade, I would notice pimples on my face, and would get insecure because of it. In the middle of one school day, I got my period for the first time and also noticed that I started gaining weight a little faster than usual. (Section 8.1)
  • Not Feeling Good About Myself

    Not Feeling Good About Myself
    Nearing the end of Middle School, I went through a phase where I hated all of my clothes, I hated my hair, my face, almost everything about me. I remember asking my mom to take me shopping for new clothes and when she didn't I got upset and locked myself in my room. I got into many fights with my best friend during this time, even some that lasted a few days. (Section 8.5)
  • Entering High school

    Entering High school
    First years of being a teenager. Gaining more homework and responsibilities, making new friends and hanging out with a different crowd. (Section 8.4)
  • First Job!

    First Job!
    At 16 years old, I got my workers permit and got my first job! Feeling accomplished and proud of myself for earning my own money and taking on more responsibilities. (Section 8.4)
  • First Boyfriend

    First Boyfriend
    In the 10th grade, I got into my first relationship, fell in love for the first time - learning to trust another person on another level. (Section 8.7)
  • First High School Parties

    First High School Parties
    Challenging peer pressure and trying to make the right choices as a teenager. (Section 8.8)
  • Getting Promoted To Supervisor!

    Getting Promoted To Supervisor!
    After working at my second job for almost 6 months, I was given the position of supervisor at the age of 17! I was feeling accomplished, excited and very responsible at a young age. I was setting my standards for myself in the workplace, wanting to become a successful individual, and trying to aim bigger and hopefully move up even more! (Section 8.5)
  • First Break Up

    First Break Up
    Broke up with my first boyfriend and went through a series of emotions. Feeling very confused, going through a "I hate boys" phase. Not seeking help from parents and locking myself in room. (Sections 8.7 and 8.8)
  • Graduating High School!

    Graduating High School!
    Growing up, my parents made it very clear that their very wish was for all 4 of their children to graduate from High School, if we didn't it'd be very shameful. I graduated high school, feeling proud of myself because I, being the youngest, had fulfilled their wish. The first of our entire extended family, in our generation and those before us, to have all children graduate! (Section 8.6)
  • Changing Majors

    Changing Majors
    In the first few years in college, I was majoring in Animal Science. Pursuing a career as a veterinarian. After about almost 3 years, I decided to change my major to Education, pursuing a career as a teacher. Even though that meant being in college longer, I was very happy with my decision! (Section 9.5)
  • Change in Religious Views?

    Change in Religious Views?
    Growing up, although I knew I was Catholic, and I knew who God was and what he meant to me, my family didn't consistently go to church. As I grow older, I realize that I have my beliefs in God, but I also have my beliefs in science, and sometimes the ideas of the two clash. I am still learning and exploring my religion and beliefs! (Section 9.7)