Plankkulkul was invented by Konrad Zuse in 1948. It was the first high-level non-von Nuemann computer-designed programming language. It was designed for engineering purposes . -
PHP us an acronym for Hypertext Preprocessor. This server-side scripting language is for web devlopment and general use. This langauge was created in 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf. -
This program was invented by John McCarthy with the purpose of easy manipulation of data strings. LISP is an acronym and stands for List Processing. -
This programming lanuage was an imporvement of FORTRAM which was invented by Charles Katz. -
This lanuage was designed by CODASYL to be used for business and financial aid by resolving issues. It stands for common Business oriented Language. -
FORTRAN was created in 1959 by IBM and John Backus. It was created for Scientic and enegineering purposes. FORTAN is an acronym for formula translation. -
RPG is an acronym for Report Program Generator. It was invented by IBM and is a high level programming language for business purpose. -
BASIC was designed by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz at Dartmouth College in NH (New Hampshire). It is a general purpose high level programming system. Name stands for Beginner's all purpose symbolic instruction code.. -
LOGO was invented by Daniel Bobrow, Symour Papert and Wally Feurzeig. The prupose was education (teach programming concepts in LISP) and graphics. -
This program was invented at Bell Labs by Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thomposon. The purpose of the program was for non-numeric, machine independent applications. -
Pascal was invented bu Niklaus Wirth. Purpose of the program is enhance a programmers good programming practices wuth datat structuring. -
This was invented by Dennis Ritchie and Bell Labs to be used in used in applications that had formerly been coded in assembly language. -
Machine Language, ML, was invented by Robin Milner and Universirt of Edinburgh. The program was made for calculus purposes and develop proofs and prove theorems. -
This program was made by Donald Chamberlin and Raymond Boyce with the purpose of mainting data held in a realational db. -
ADA was created by Jean Ichbiah of CII honeywell. ADA's purpose is to improve maintainability and safety. -
C++ was created by Bjarne Stroustrup. The purpose of the program was for systems programming with performance and efficiency. -
Python was invented by Guido Rossum. It is a general purpose high level programming language with an emphasis on code reading. -
Visual Basic
Visual Basic was invented by microsoft in 1991. It isinteneded to be easy to learn and use. It is names Visual Basic becuase the program evolved/derived from BASIC. -
JAVA was invnted by Sun Microsystems and James Gosling. It is an object oriented language. -
Brendan Eich invented JavaScript. This was a clinet-side web application. -
Delphi was created by Borland in 1995 for console. dektop graphics mobiel applications and web.