Programming language popularity

Programming Languages

  • First Real Programming Language: Plankalkül

    First Real Programming Language: Plankalkül
    Developed by Konrad Zuse. Zuse's language allowed for the creations of procedures which stored chunks of code that could be invoked over and over to perform routine operations.
  • Assembly Language

    Assembly Language
    Was used in the Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator.
    Assembly language was a type of low level programming language that simplified the language of machine code.
  • Shortcode

    This was the first high level language suggested by John McCauley. However, it was William Schmitt who implemented it for the BINAC computer the same year and for the UNIVAC in 1950.
  • Autocode

    Autocode was a general term used for a family of programming languages. First developed by Alick Glennie for the Mark I computer at the university of Machester, autocode was the first ever compiled language to be implemented, meaning that it can be translated directly into machine code using a program called compiler.

    FORmula Translation was created by John Backus and is considered to be the oldest programming language in use today. This was created for high level scientific, mathematical, and statistical computations. Is still use in some of the world's most advanced supercomputers.

    Common Business Oriented Language is the programming language behind many credit card processors, ATMs, telephone and cell calls, hospital signals, and traffic signals system. It was developed by Dr. Grace Murray Hopper and was designed so that it could run on all brands and types of computers. Is still used today principaly for banking and gamification systems

    Named after the French mathematician Blaise Pascal, Niklaus Wirth developed the programming language in his honor. It was developed as a learning tool for computer programming which meant it was easy to learn. It was favored by Apple in the company's early days, because of its ease of use and power.
  • C

    Developed by Dennis Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratories for use with the Unix operating system. I was called C because it was based on an earlier language called B. Many of the current leading languages are derivatives of C including; C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, PHP and Python. It also has been, and still in use, by huge companies like Google, Facebook and Apple.
  • Ada

    Designed by a team led by Jean Ichbiah of CUU Honeywell Bull under contract to the United States Department of Defense. Named after de mathematician Ada Lovelace. Is a structured, statically typed, imperative, wide spectrum, and object oriented high level programming language. Is used for air traffic management systems as well as a host of other transport and space projects.
  • C++

    Bjarne Stroustrup modified the C language at the Bell Labs, C++ is an extension of C with enhancements such as classes, virtual functions, and templates. C++ is used in MS office, adobe photoshop, game engines, and other high performance software.
  • Objective-C

    Developed by Brad Cox and Tom Love, is the main programming language used to write software for macOS and iOS, Apple's operating system.
  • Perl

    Was created by Larry Wall and is a general purpose, high level programming language. It was originally designed as a scripting language designed for text editing but nowadays it's widely used for many purposes such as CGI, database applications, system administration, network programming, and graphic programming.
  • Haskell

    Is a general purpose programming language. It is a purely functional programming language meaning it's primarily mathematical. It's used across multiple industries particularly those that deal with complicated calculations, records, and number crunching
  • Python

    Named after the British comedy troupe 'Monty Python'. It was developed by Guido Van Rossum. It's a general purpose, high level language programming language created to support a variety of programming styles and be fon to use. Python is, to this day, one of the most popular programming languages in the world, is used by companies such as Google, yahoo and spotify.
  • Ruby

    Created by Yukihiro Matsumoto, Ruby is an interpreted high level programming language. A teaching language which was influenced by Perl, Ada, Lisp, and Smalltalk - among others. Ruby's primary uses are for web applications development and Ruby on rails. Twitter, hulu, and groupon are some well known examples of companies that use Ruby.
  • Java

    Java is a general purpose, high level programming language created by James Gosling for an interactive TV project. It has cross platform functionality and is consistenly among the top of the world's most popular programming languages. Java can be found everywhere, from computers to smartphones to parking meters.
  • PHP

    Formerly known as 'Personal Home Page' which now stands for 'Hypertext Preprocessor'. PHP was developed by Rasmus Lerdorf. Its primary uses include building and maintaining dynamic web pages, as well as server side development. Some of the biggest companies from across the globe use PHP, including Facebook, Wikipedia, Digg, WordPress and Joomla.
  • JavaScript

    It was created by Brendan Eich, this language is primarily used for dynamic web development, PDF documents, web browsers and desktop widgets. Almost every major website uses JavaScript. Gmail, adobe photoshop and mozilla firefox include some well known examples
  • C#

    Developed at Microsoft with the hope of combining the computing ability of C++ with the simplicity of Visual Basic, C# is based on C++ and shares many similarities with Java. The language is used in almost all Microsoft products and is seen primarily in developing desktop applications.
  • Swift

    Developed by Apple as a replacement for C, C++, and Objective-C, Swift was developed with the intention to be easier than the aforementioned languages and allow less room for error. Swift’s versatility means it can be used for desktop, mobile, and cloud applications. Leading language app ‘Duolingo’ launched a new app that was written in Swift.