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Computer Programming

  • Plankalkul

    Plankalkul was designed in by Konrad Zuse. It serves the purpose of assisting engineers in relational algebra.

    MATH-MATIC was designed by Remington Rand. It’s purpose was to be an Algebraic translator, similar to Univac's contemporaneous business-oriented language, FLOW-MATIC, differing in providing algebraic-style expressions and floating-point arithmetic, and arrays rather than record structures.
  • Fortran

    Developed by John Backus and IBM. Fortran serves the purpose of numeric computation and scientific computing. Each version adds new extensions to the language, while still retaining compatibility with older versions.
  • LISP

    Designed by John MacCarthy. Its purpose was to act as a practical mathematical notation for computer programs. Lisp pioneered many ideas in computer science, including tree data structures, automatic storage management, dynamic typing, conditionals, higher-order functions, recursion, the self-hosting compiler, and the read–eval–print loop.

    Developed by the organizations CODASYL, ANSI, and ISO. Cobol is an acronym “common business-oriented language”. The program is primarily used in business, finance, and administrative systems for companies and governments. COBOL has been sent out to mainframe computers for large-scale batch and transaction processing jobs.
  • RPG

    RPG was developed by IBM. It was intitiated as a high-level programming language (HLL) for business applications. A tool to replicate punched card processing on the IBM 1401. RPG is the acrynoym for Report Program Generator.

    Developed by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz. BASIC is an acronym for the words “Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code”. The purpose of this program is to allow students in fields other than science and mathematics to use computers; this was an issue because at that time computers required a specific writing software. This writing custom software was something that only scientists and mathematicians had learned.
  • LOGO

    Designed by Wally Feurzeig. The LOGO’s purpose was for it to be used as turtle graphics, in which commands for movement and drawing produced line graphics either on screen or with a small robot called a turtle. The language was conceived to teach concepts of programming related to Lisp.
  • B

    Developed by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie. This language serves the purpose of recursive, non-numeric, machine independent applications. This language represents BCPL as it was designed using the BCPL language.

    PASCAL was designed by Niklaus Wirth. Its purpose was to encourage good programming practices. Introduced concepts and mechanisms which enabled programmers to define their own complex datatypes.
  • C

    Developed by Dennis Ritchie and Bell Labs.The purpose of this programming language is to provide constructs that map typical machine instructions. This program has been found to have lasting impact in applications that code for assembly languages, which include operating systems.
  • ML

    ML was designed by Robin Miller. It’s purpose is to be an automatic memory management system. It has roots in Lisp. It is known for its use of the polymorphic Hindley–Milner type system. ML is an acryonym for Meta Language.
  • SQL

    SQL serves the purpose as a programming language that was designed for managing data held in a relational database management system. SQL means Structured Query Language.
  • ADA

    Developed by Jean Ichbiah then later updated later years by Tucker Taft. The primary purpose of ADA is to improve code safety and find errors in favor of run time errors.
  • C++

    Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. The program was designed to for large systems, with performance, efficiency, and flexibility of use; which are the highlights of the design. It is seen in many desktop applications because of its key strengths being a software infrastructure, along with resource-contained applications.
  • Python

    Python was designed by Guido van Rossum. It serves the purpose emphasizing code readability and a syntax that allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines.
  • Visual Basic

    Visual Basic was developed by Microsoft. It serves the purpose as a user-friendly programming language designed for beginners.
  • Delphi

    Developed originally by the company Borland, but was later reconstructed in 2009 by Embarcadero Technologies. It serves the purpose as a desktop, mobile, web, and console application. Delphi is known to be a “strongly typed high-level programming language”.
  • Java

    Developed by Sun Microsystems, which is now owned by Oracle Corporation. Java was designed to let application developers “write once, run anywhere” which means that Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation.
  • JavaScript

    Developed by Netscape Communications Corporation, Mozilla Foundation, Ecma International. JavaScript is one of three core technologies, it is used to make web pages interactive and provide online programs, which include video games.
  • PHP

    PHP was designed by Rasmus lerdorf. Its purpose was designed for web development and as a general purpose programming language. PHP serves as the acryoynm for Hypertext Preprocessor.