This is an early programming language designed for engineering purposes by Konrad Zuse. It was the first high-level non-von Neumann programming language to be designed for a computer. The title means plan calculus. -
Fortran or Formula Translating System is a gerneral purpose language developed by John Backus at IBM. It was used for numeric weather predictions, finite element analysis, and computuational chemistry. -
Math-Matic is a marketing name for the early programming language for UNIVAC I and UNIVAC II created by Charles Katz in 1957. It was intened as an improvement over FORTRAN. -
Lisp was created in 1958 by John McCarthy. In the beginning the purpose of it was creating a practical mathematical notation for A.I. research. It is is the second oldest widespread programming language still used today. -
COBOL is a strong static programming language designed by Grace Hopper. Its name stands for COmmon Business-Oriented Language. It is used mainly for business, finance, and administrative systems. -
RPG is a high level programming language for business use. It was developed by IBM in 1959 as a Report Program Generator to replace punched card processing. -
BASIC, which stands for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, is a general purpose language that focuses on ease of use. It was developed by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz in 1964. This language is mainly used when dealing with novice users due to its easy understanding. -
LOGO was designed by Daniel G. Bobrow, Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert and Cynthia Solomon. LOGO is greek meaning word or thought. It was used for education to teach concepts of programing related to LISP. It can aslso be used to follow commands for movement and drawing to draw graphs. -
Developed by Bell Labs B is a programming language that is now extinct. B was used for microcomputers due to the stripped componets BCPL stripped out. It was later superseded by the C language. -
Pascal was published in 1970 by Niklaus Wirth. It was used as a small effective language used to encourage good programming habits using structured programming and data structuring. It is named after the French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal. -
Language developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 at AT&T. It is structured programming that has a static system that prevents unwanted operations. It was used for compiling and providing low-level access to memory that provide language constructs to map machine operations. -
ML (MetaLanguage) was developed by Robin Milner as a general all purpase language. The use of algorithms ensure that there is a formal proof for a well typed ML does not cause runtime errors. -
SQl was originally based on relational algebra and tuple relational calculus. It was designed in 1974 by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce as a a special-purpose programming language designed for managing data held in a relational database management system. -
Ada was named after Ada Lovelace and is a object-oriented high level computer programming language extended from Pascal and other languages. Ada was designed to resemble the english language and is used for financial and objesct-oriented programming -
C++ is a intermediate-level language designed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bells Labs. This is one of the most popular programming languages. It is used for many things such as video games, application software, and device drivers. -
Delphi (Object Pascal)
Object Pascal is the branch or object oriented derivatives of pascal. it is the primary language of Embarcadero Delphi. It was developed by the apple team led by Larry Tesler. -
Visual Basic
Visual Basic was developed by Microsoft in 1991 with the intention of creating a third-generation event-driven programming language. A user can easily create a program using the visual basic program itself. It is used to accomodate beginner programmers to create simple GUI applications but can also create complex applications. -
Python is a general purpose programming designed for code readability. The language is designed to give clear programs on a small and large scale. Python was developed by Guido van Rossum in 1991 as a successor to the ABC language, it is still widely used today. -
Java is a programming language developed by James Gosling and Sun Microsystems. This popular language is used to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. -
Javascript is a dynamic language used in web browsers. It was designed by Brendan Eich in 1995. Javascript can also be used for site-specific browsers and desktop widgets. -
PHP is a server side scripting language for web design. PHP is an acronym for Personal Home Page. It started developement by Rasmus Lerdorf to be used to manage his homepage, it is now installed on 244 million websites.