Invention of Plankalkul
Creatorf was Konrad Zuse. Major focus of the language was engineering. -
Invention of MATH-MATIC
Created by Charles Katz. Made as in imporvment of FORTRAN -
Invention of Fortran
Created by John Backus. This programming language was made to do math and scientific calculations. -
Invention of LISP
Created by John McCarthy -
Invention of COBOL
Main author was Grace Hopper. COBOL stands for COmmon Business Oriented Language -
Invetnion of RPG
A program language made by IBM to serve business purposes. -
Invention of BASIC
Made by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz. BASIC stands for Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code -
Invention of LOGO
Invented by Wally Feurzeig and Seymour Papert. Purpose was to be a functional programming language that was derived from LISP -
Invention of B
Made in Bell Labs by Ken Thompson. This program was later suceeded by C. -
Invention of PASCAL
Made by Niklaus Wirth. Small but effecient language. -
C replaces B
Made by Dennis Ritchie. This language was an advancement from the programming language B. -
Invention of ML
Createad by Robin Milner. ML stands for metalanguage -
Invention of SQL
Created by Donald Chamberlin and Raymond Boyce. SQL stands for Structured Query Language -
Invention of ADA
Made by Jean Ichbiah. An advanced form of Pascal -
Invention of C++
Made by Bjarne Stroustrup. It is an enhancement to the C programming language. -
Invention of Delphi
Invention of Python
Made by Guido van Rossum. Biggest difference with Python is that it stressed the importance of being able to read code, even for beginner programmers. -
Invention of Visual Basic
Created by Miscrosoft. Made for beginner programmers because it is easy to learn and understand compared to other languages. -
Invention of PHP
Created by Rasmus Lerdorf. Made to be used in many websites. -
Invention of JAVA
Main designer was James Gosling. A big advancement Java had was that it was able to write a program on one computer and do the same program on another, without having to recompile the program. -
Invention of JavaScript
Designed by Brandon Eich. Focus of this program was altering web pages.