programming languages

  • Plankalkul

    Was developed by: Konrad Zuse. Designed for engineering purposes. Stands for "Plan Calculus".

    was developed by: John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz. Stands for "Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code". Used for helping people other than mathematicians and scientists learn how to code custom software
  • Fortran

    Was developed by: John Backus and IBM. Developed for scientific and engineering applications. Stand for "Formula Translation".

    Was developed by: Remington Rand. Developed with the purpose of providing, floating point math, and algebra expressions. Stands for nothing.
  • Lisp

    Was developed by: Steve Russell, Timothy P. Hart, and Mike Levin. Was developed for mathematical notation in computer programs. Stands for "LISt Processing".

    Was developed by: CODASYL, ANSI, ISO. Developed for business use. Stand for "Common Business Oriented Language":
  • RPG

    Was developed by: IBM. Developed for business applications. Stands for "Report Program Generator".
  • LOGO

    Was developed by: Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert, Cynthia Solomon. Developed for using Turtle Graphics to draw. Stands for thought.
  • B

    was developed by: Ken Thompson. influenced by the BCPL language. Designed for system and language software.

    Was developed by: Niklaus Wirth. Used for imperative and procedural programming. does not stand for anything.
  • C

    was developed by: Dennis Ritchie and Bell Labs. Was designed to be compiled using a relatively straightforward compiler. Stands for "Compiler".
  • ML

    Was developed by: Robin Milner. Used for garbage collecting, imperative programming, call-by-value, and currying. Stands for "Meta Language"
  • ADA

    Was developed by: Jean Ichbiah, and S. Tucker Taft. Developed for the Department of Defense who needed a program that could replace the 450 different languages that they currently used. Named after Ada Lovelace who developed the first computer program.
  • C++

    was developed by: Bjarne Stroustrup. Was made with a bias towards system programming. Stands for "C with classes"
  • SQL

    Was developed by: ISO/IEC. Developed for database management. Stands for "Structured Query language".
  • Python

    Was developed by: Python Software Foundation. Developed for general purpose programming. Stands for nothing
  • Visual Basic

    Was developed by: Microsoft. Developed for helping beginners learn how to code. Does not stand for anything
  • Delphi

    Was developed by: Embarcadero Technologies. Was developed as a rapid application development tool. Delphi was a codename for the product.
  • Java

    Was developed by: Sun Microsystems. Developed for user to design software that can be used for many different devices. Does not stand for anything
  • Javascript

    Was developed by: Netscape Communications Corporation, Mozilla Foundation, Ecma International. Developed with the purpose of making webpages interactive and to provide online programs. Does not stand for anything.
  • PHP

    Was developed by: Zend Technologies. Is designed for web development. Stands for "Personal Home Page".