programming lang

  • plankalkul

    formal system for planning developed by Konrad zuse
  • Fortan

    developed by John Backus main purpose was for scientific and engineering calculations

    was the marketing name used for the at-3 or algebraic translator 3
    used for algebraic formulas developed by remmington rand
  • lisp

    primarily used for mathematic notation lisp was developed by john McCarthy

    common business oriented language designed for business use developed by Howard Bromberg, Howard Discount, Vernon Reeves, Jean E. Sammet, William Selden, and Gertrude Tierney
  • RPG

    developed by IBM for business use
  • Basic

    Basic is an acronym for beginners all purpose symbiotic instruction code designed for general purpose and teaching developed by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz
  • logo

    designed in 1967 by Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert and Cynthia Solomon developed for the purpose of teaching
  • B

    developed in 1969 by ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie was based off of another language but this was striped of its non essentials to fit in micro computers
  • pascal

    designed for object oriented programming it was developed by Niklaus wirth
  • C

    developed by Dennis ritchie it is used in applications and operating systems due to its static type system
  • ML

    based off of lisp for a similar purpose but it does not have runtime type errors devloped by robin milner
  • SQL

    Developed by Donald chamberlain it stands for structured quarey language used for managing data
  • ADA

    program language that is structured statically typed and object oriented high level programming language developed by Jean ichibah
  • C++

    a general purpose language used in many web search machines developed by Bjarne Stroustrup
  • Python

    developed by Guido van Rossum to make it easier to program large and small scale
  • Visual Basic

    developed by Microsoft it is used to teach how to program and can be used to create programs
  • Javascript

    developed by Brendan Eich it is used to enable interactive website use
  • PHP

    designed for web development developed by Rasmus Lerdorf
  • java

    meant to write once run everywhere meaning it can run all platforms developed by James gosling
  • delphi

    used primarily for rapid application development of desktop, mobile, web, and console software developed by Embarcadero Technologies