
Programming History

  • Electric Tabulating System

    Electric Tabulating System
    Invented by Herman Hollerith who later founded the company IBM.
  • Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)

    Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)
    This was designed to solve linear equations.
  • "Debugging"

    Grace Murray Hopper documented the first computer "bug" when a moth was trapped in a Mark II Aiken Calculator. They rmoved the moth and "debugged" the computer.

    Ran its first program that lists prime number and creates tables of squares.
  • Spacewar!

    This was first video game that was created and was made by Steve Russell.
  • Internet

    The term internet was first used by Vinton Kerf and Bob Kahn.
  • Ethernet cable

    Ethernet cable
    The first ethernet cable was invented.
  • High Speed Networking

    High Speed Networking
    Advanced Network and Services (ANS), formed by Merit, IBM, and MCI devloped high speed networking.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    The world wide web was realeaed and the Internet Society was formed.
  • WI-FI

    WI-FI was standarized.