production schedule A2 Media

  • Creative ideas and scheduling

    1) in your groups decide on a track. - must be a digital format and original/ or track from an existing artist. however must not have an existing music video.
    2) carry out research into the chosen artist/ band - create mindmap
    3) produce production schedule and blog
  • treatment - rough plan

    • write rough plan what i intend to do/ short
    • summary of narrative ideas/ how it links to lyrics/ sound of track
    • casting/ actors/ props
    • lenght/ audience/ channel for broadcast
  • research/ case studies

    1) gather three case studies - existing music videos that relate to my idea in terms of genre/ content/ performance. - make notes. (producer/ title/ channel/ date/ time)
    - synopize the video
    - is the video conceptual/ narrative/ performance based? how/why?
    - themes/ motifs
    - representations
    - elements that are post modern
    - camera angles/ effects/ mise en scene/ editing techniques
    - target audience
    this case studies presented - prezi etc
  • focus group/ pitch

    • do some pre-production audience feedback on idea and treatment. -- ensure audience clearly targeted - using this you write an evaluation of the feedback given by the audience. make any changes if needed in the treatment - upload
    • upload video of feedback on youtube and embed on blog.
  • Pre production

    once treatment is approved by teacher - draw detailed story board - shot by shot guide - visualize action - giving full description on location/ camera size/ angles/ position/ action/ lighting and timing.
    2) seek written permissions to use actors---- (release forms)
    3) produce risk assessment/ recess/ call sheet
    4) allocate/ agree on production team roles - include director, producer, camera, sound, continuity.
    5) list of costumes/ prop/ makeup
    6) start filming
  • shooting the video

    1) three weeks/ three filming oppurtunities
  • Editing

    • book with technicians
    • editing to the beat of the song
  • reasearch and planning the CD/DVD cover and advert

    case studies - find three examples of current CD digipacks for exiting music promos - similar genre/ find three accompanying magazine adverts- similar digipacks
    - notes on use of images/ lighting/ airbrushing/ representation of the artist/ band. - present this using infogram/ slideshare etc..
  • mockups/ pitch your print ideas

    1) produce mock ups of advert/ cover - taglines/ coverlines/ images/
    2) pitch your print ideas
    record and evaluate the feedback on blog
  • research and planning documents

    need to be completed by 7th december
  • producing the CD/ DVD digipak and advert

    book a shoot - produce photography call sheets - help organise models/ locations/ prop/ time. all photography need to be completed
  • producing two print artefacts

    • using photoshop/ indesign - produce two print artefacts - each group produce own version of digipack/ advert.
    • regular printscreens/ blog process
    • include 4 panes / put it together/ print
  • post- production feedback

    screen finished music promo/ show target audience your two print artefacts - gain feedback - survey monkey. evaluate feedback on blog
  • Evaluation

    two options either produce video or use digital technologies. plan answers/ voice over script
    - gather footage from main video/ location/ photography/ jpegs/ two print products/ interviews - show draft
  • Editing Evaluation and upload to blog

    edit creative evaluation or directors commentary and upload to blog.