Pick a music genre for music magazine.
Start keeping a note of what went well during magazine project to include in the college magazine evaluation.
Purchase and borrow two magazines based on my chosen music genre to write detailed case studies on.
Take pictures of models and edit them for college magazine
Complete both magazine case studies upload on blog and hand in .
College magazine should be completed, double check that everything is done correctly.
Submit and upload college magazine on to my blog.
Create a feedback/comment sheet for students to leave comments about my magazine to include in my evaluation.
write a draft for collge magazine evaluation
write up college magazine evaluation.
Submit college magazine evaluation and blog .
Go to any supermarket or shop and take photos of magazine news stand write down findings and upload on blog.
Conduct some research into other distribution methods that magazines use and blog findings include hyperlinks
Write proposal for music magazine
Record audience feedback of music magazine
Audience research task
Create music magazine photography call sheet
Prepare, buy any props needed for the music magazine photo shoot
Start looking for models to feature in music magazine
Take photos of these models
Submit and upload all photography on blog
Present rough draft of music magazine to class and record their feedback and post on blog
Upload the front cover, contents page and DPS of music magazine on to blog.
Audienec research-main task /music magazine completed and uploaded and submitted.
Plan and draft evaluation for music magazine
write and complete evaluation for music magazine
Proof read and make relevant changes to music magazine evaluation.
Submit and upload music magazine evaluation on to blog.
Make sure all coursework is submitted and uploaded on to blog