Production Log

By LockJ06
  • What is Horror?

    When researching horror,i decided that the best way to get collect all the infomation i needed to understand the task that was given i done this by using Spicynodes. With the infomation i had made it easier to get all the research into one place when i came to knowing what i wanted my horror film and initail ideas to be about.
  • Inital Ideas- Wall Wisher

    wall wisher was the website that i used to plan my intial idea for a horror. using different catorgeries i then used the rough ideas that i had for a horror, using what is horror?, and then i could decide what i wanted my idea for my firts draft of my horror to be about.
  • Horror Production Logo

    Researching logos for different logo companies, helped me decide what typr of logo to have and what a logo did for my company and for my film.
  • Ananlyis 3x Title Sequences

    when looking for idea for a title sequence we looked at different tpyes of horror genres in real movies to analysis to make sure that we knew exactly what we was supposed to be doing when it came to making our own. by doing this we made note of what was needed to make a title sequence successful
  • Title Sequence

    i ananlysised silent hill,this is sowe had an understanding of how our film title sequences would look to make them lok more professional.
  • Initial Ideas -Story Board

    my inital ideas for a story board were a plan of how i wanted my movie to look without making any plans that i may be able to go back to i wanted to mkae any changes to my film that i ahd done in my pervius one.
  • Moodboard

    I hadx to create a moodboard bised on horror to give me a rough idea of the type of things that i might use in my film. for example. the types of horrors there are and the props and costumes that are used to connotate horror.
  • Story Boarding For Title and Opening Sequence.

    I had to create a story board for my opening sequence and my opening scene, which would give me a simple quidelines as to the type of shot and things that i needed to include when actually filming for my horror.
  • Filming Schedual

    once i had done my story boarding for my opening scene andfor my title sequence, i needed to make a detailed plan for how i was going to make sure that i could fit in all my story board into a two minute clip.
  • Filming

    Once i had made a detailed enough plan to do my filming i had to actualyl go out and film. my location was a forest where i ahd to try and plan the time of day and try to predict when and where would be best to make my film look as realist as possible. it took me approximatly 7 days to edit.
  • Location Photos

    Once at my filming location i had to take photos of my location, to describe them when i got to doing evluation
  • Props Lists

    i have to do a props list to show what i used ot make my film alot more realistic, this was to show how i would use them in my film and then i had explain what i chose and why.
  • Editing My film

    once i had done all of my filming i had to do all of my editing on serif. when doing this i already had a plan in my head as to what i wanted my film to look like, but because my ideas were quite techinical i had to make some changes.
  • Subgenre Research

    i did some horror subgenres to make it easier for me to make a decision on what i wanted my horror film to be about, i had to make quite detailed notes on what horror film i think would be intrested in making.
  • Analysis of Sypnosis

    we did an analysis of a sypnosis to make sure that we have notes on what we would have to do when it came to doing a sypnosis ourselves. we also had to make all the things that we would need in a sypnosis to attract the audience we wanted for the type of genre we was doing.
  • Reflective Journal

    my reflective journal was a data logo of all the things i had done on the research aspects of my film and how i benifited and what i had leant from doing it.
  • Analysis of a Horror Company Logo

    i had to ananlyis a company logo to give me a rough idea as to what i would need to include in my own to make my overall film look more proffessional.
  • Shot List

    making a shot list for my film was basically making a list of all the shot type i had used throughtout my film and a description of why i chose to use these.