
  • 6 weeks

    6 weeks
    Your babys nose, ears and eyes are starting to get their shape.
  • 10 weeks

    10 weeks
    Your baby weighs less than a quarter of a pound and is about an inch or so long.
  • 14 weeks

    14 weeks
    Your baby weighs about 1 1/2 ounces. Can now suck it's thumb and pee!!
  • 20 weeks

    20 weeks
    Your baby is about the length of a banana and weighs about 10 1/2 ounces.
  • 27 weeks

    27 weeks
    Your baby weighs about 2 pounds now. He is opening and closing his eyes.
  • Infancy- 2 months

    Infancy- 2 months
    Your baby begins to smile at people and tries to look at mom.
  • Infancy- 4 months

    Infancy- 4 months
    Starts copying movements and faces. Enjoys playing with people.
  • Infancy- 6 months

    Infancy- 6 months
    Knows familiar faces and enjoys looking at self in the mirror. Baby responds to his/her name now. Brings things to mouth.
  • Infancy- 9 months

    Infancy- 9 months
    Understands "no". Uses finger to point at things. Has favorite toys.
  • Infancy- 1 year old

    Infancy- 1 year old
    Saying Mama and Dada, Shakes head for "no". Waves bye bye. Puts arm or leg out to help get dressed.
  • Toddlerhood- 14 months

    Toddlerhood- 14 months
    Shows affection to familiar faces and fear to new faces.
  • Toddlerhodd- 16 months

    Toddlerhodd- 16 months
    Explores alone but only if parent is nearby. Throws temper tandrums now. Says several words.
  • Toddlerhood- 18 months

    Toddlerhood- 18 months
    Likes to play pretend. Feeding himself with a spoon and drinking from a cup.
  • Toddlerhood - 22 months

    Toddlerhood - 22 months
    Running, scribbles on his own. Can help undres himself.
  • Toddlerhood - 2 years old

    Toddlerhood - 2 years old
    Is now showing defient behavior. Says sentences with 2-5 words.
  • 3 years old- Early years

    3 years old- Early years
    Imagination is takin off. Can now pedal on a tricycle and draw a complete circle
  • 4 years old- Early years

    4 years old- Early years
    IS now learning to write their name and beginning to learn certain things and behaviors for school. Enjoys plaing with friends and kis their age.
  • 5 years old- Early years

    5 years old- Early years
    If not is Kindergarten yet, he/she will be soon. Beginning to sound out and spell simple words and counting objects
  • 6 years old- Early years

    6 years old- Early years
    Learning how to add and subtract in school. Enjoys playing make believe and is now talking back and being a little more argumentitive.
  • 7 years old- Early years

    7 years old- Early years
    Uses a vocabulary with several thousand words and is learning to understand the difference between right and wrong.
  • 8 years old- Middle Childhood

    8 years old- Middle Childhood
    Can converse at almost a fully adult level. Makes friends easily especially with the same sex.
  • 9 years old- Middle Childhood

    9 years old- Middle Childhood
    Can mostly control their anger. IS now able to accomplish more at school and more complex projects such as book reports and small essays.Exercise should be happening more often now. and they should be enrolled in clubs and activies.
  • 10 years old- Middle Childhood

    10 years old- Middle Childhood
    Can clearly tell time now without any help, Enjoys reading for plessure and now cares more about themselves and their belongings. They are more self conscience and more insecure about certain things.
  • 11 years old- Middle Childhood

    11 years old- Middle Childhood
    If they have a phone they are always on it now. Loves new technogoly and enjoys constantly talking to friends. They are more aware of how they want to present them selves everyday at school around their friends and more cautious about what is in style and what isn't. Now they are wanting to fit in and be in the in crowd.
  • 12 years old- Middle Childhood

    12 years old- Middle Childhood
    Girls bodies may start to change soon. Boys voices are now getting my pitchy before they change. Menstrual cycle may be arriving soon for the girls.
  • 13 years old -Adolesence

    13 years old -Adolesence
    They are starting to show more interest in their looks, clothes, and body image. Starting to show less affection towards parents.
  • 14 years old- Adolesence

    14 years old- Adolesence
    Grils may start having eating disorders. Becoming more moody. The feeling of more stress will come with school work getting harder which can only lead towards negative things.
  • 15 yeas old- Adolesence

    15 yeas old- Adolesence
    Most girls have changed physically from puberty. Becoming more independent and choose not to hang out with parents anymore.
  • 16 years old- Adolesence

    16 years old- Adolesence
    Becoming more and more interested in the opposite sex.
    Wanting to be left alone from parents and peer pressure may start to kick in/ (drugs, alcohol)
  • 18 years old- Adolesence

    18 years old- Adolesence
    Has the ability to set goals for themselves. Takes pride in the things they do. Become more emotionally stable and caring of friends and family.