2000 BCE
Mother has been taking folic acid supplements -
Weeks 1-4
The fertilized egg has attached itself to the womb lining A pregnancy test may be able to confirm you are pregnant at around 4 weeks -
Period: to
Pregnancy Timeline
Weeks 5-8
You start to become tired and sick, and some food starts to taste different, you have to use the bathroom more because your uterus has doubled in size and puts pressure on the bladder -
Weeks 9-12
Your waistline starts to thicken, and breasts get larger. You feel hungrier than usual, and much more tired. By week 12 you could start to develop a bit of a baby bump. -
Weeks 13-16
Some parts of your skin could become darker due to increased skin pigmentation. Brests may already have started making colostrum, what your baby will feed on when born. Your hair becomes thicker and your skin becomes more plumped out, bump should be showing. -
Weeks 17-20
Should start to feel the baby moving inside you at 18 weeks. Should feel a lot hungrier. -
Weeks 21-23
May not be sleeping great, causing more problems. May start suffering from indigestion, backache, and varicose veins or leg cramps. -
Weeks 24-28
Start to feel more energetic, babies movements are definitely being felt. You have to walk different because your center of gravity changed, also may see swelling in ankles and fingers. -
Weeks 29-32
You may become forgetful and have a hard time sleeping. Stretch marks may appear if they have not already. -
Weeks 33-36
Belly button may stick out, and colostrum may leak from your breasts. You need to rest a lot, but also do gentle exercises like walking and swim. You should feel movements daily and your bump will start to get smaller. -
Weeks 37-42
You start to think a lot about having the baby and what it will look like. Braxton Hicks contractions take place frequently and strongly. By week 39 you could go into labor at any moment. Baby should be born at week 40, but it is normal not to be. If you go past week 40 then you will have many checkups up until birth.