Pre-colonization to decolonization of America

  • 1492

    Arrival of Cristobal Colon

    Arrival of Cristobal Colon
    Cristobal Colin completed his voyage across the Atlantic Ocean and arrived in the "New World
  • 1497

    Juan Cabot explores North American shores

    Juan Cabot  explores North American shores
    the first to reach the mainland of the North American continent after the Vikings did so in the 11th century.
    in the 11th century.
  • 1519

    Hernán Cortes arrives Mexico

    Hernán Cortes arrives  Mexico
    the emperor Moctezuma receives Cortes and los ges him in the palace of Axayácatl and later takes Montezuma hostage.
  • 1531

    Conquest of Ica

    Francisco Pizarro conquers the Ica empire in Peruvian territory
  • 1534

    The viceroyalty of New Spain is created.

    The viceroyalty of New Spain is created.
    Originated after the fall of Mexico-Tenochtitla
  • 1550

    Spanish Domination

    In the middle of the XVI century, Spanish domination spread throughout the Americas.
  • 1576

    The English explore North America

    The English explore North America
    The first English settlers of North America were a mixture of privileged classes, who wanted to conquer new lands for wealth and profit, and a number of people who had been driven out of England by bigotry.
    religious intolerance, who were fleeing injustice and longed for freedom and liberty.
  • Expulsion of the Jesuits

    Expulsion of the Jesuits
    was ordered by King Carlos III for the accusations of having been the instigators of the popular riots
  • Independence of the United States

    Independence of the United States
    the Second Continental Congress unanimously adopted the Declaration of Independence, announcing the colonies' separation from Great Britain.
  • Independence of Haiti

    First revolutionary movement in Latin America that culminated in the abolition of slavery in the French colony of Saint-Domingue and the proclamation of the First Empire of Haiti.
  • Beginning of the independence movement in Mexico

    Beginning of the independence movement in Mexico
    political and social process resolved by force of arms, which put an end to Spanish rule in most of the territories of New Spain and gave birth to the First Mexican Empire
  • Beginning of independence movements

    Colonies begin to take up arms to achieve their independence, secretly supported by the United Kingdom
  • Mexican Independence

    Iturbide defeated the Royalist forces still opposed to independence, and the new Spanish viceroy, lacking money, provisions, and troops, was forced to accept Mexican independence. .
  • Spain recognizes Mexico's independence

    December 28, 1836, through the Santa María Calatrava treaty, Spain recognized Mexico as a free, sovereign and independent nation.
  • Panama recovers its sovereignty