Wolrd population

Population and Settlement

  • Period: Apr 22, 1500 to

    Population n' Settlement

  • Aug 29, 1500

    First Occupants

    First Occupants
    -2 Groups (Algoquin and Iroquois)
    -Algoquin were nomadic hunters
    -Iroquois were semi-sedentary farmers
  • Aug 29, 1534

    Cartier's 1st voyage

    Cartier's 1st voyage
    -Mapped the Gulf of St. Laurence
    -Wanted gold
    -Found fish, lumber and furs
  • Aug 29, 1535

    Cartier's 2nd voyage

    Cartier's 2nd voyage
    -Reached Stacadona
    -They were taught survival skills by the natives
  • Aug 29, 1541

    Cartier's 3rd Voyage

    Cartier's 3rd Voyage
    -Tried to set up a colony but failed at doing so
    -Missionnaries began to atempt to convert the Natives
    -Gave up for 60 Years
  • Champlain and Port Royal

    Champlain and Port Royal
    -King sent a voyage to Nova Scotia
    -Champlain was a part of it
    -Port Royal was a failure
  • New France

    New France
    -Established a trading post
    -Called it New France
  • Arrival of Jean Talon

    Arrival of Jean Talon
    -His job was to get people to move to New France
    -Fille de Roy
    -Prisonners in France
    -Payments were given to people who were married and had children
    -The Population increased to 70 000 people in the year 1760
  • The British Regime

    The British Regime
  • British Immigration

    British Immigration
    -Arrival of British merchants
    -Did not change the composition of the territory
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    -Also known as The Treaty of Paris
    -This was done because of their alliances and fur trade with the natives.
    -Used to divide the area
  • Immigration of Loyalist and Americans

    Immigration of Loyalist and Americans
    -English population increased
    -Settled using the Township system
    -Settlements were given English names
  • The imperial act

    The imperial act
    -Slaves would remain their property
    -Slaves were domestic servants
  • Mesures to encourage immigration

    Mesures to encourage immigration
    -Granting land to shipping and railroad companies
    -Immigrations agents coming to the aid of immigrants
  • Irish Immigration

    Irish Immigration
    -Due to the potato famine they immigrated to many places including Canada
    -Immigrated to forest regions (Outaouais, Témiscamingue and Western Canada)
    -Immigrated to the United States
  • Beggining of the contemporary period

    Beggining of the contemporary period
  • Relation with the Natives

    Relation with the Natives
    -Indian Act
    -Aborigional claims --> Exploitation of natural ressources
  • National Policy

    National Policy
    -To populate the Canadian land
    -Land grants to rail companies
  • 1st phase of the industrial revolution

    1st phase of the industrial revolution
    -Factotries created finished products
  • Emigration to the United States

    Emigration to the United States
    -Lack of employment in the agricultural sector
    -2nd Phase of the industrial revolution
  • Diversification of the Population

    Diversification of the Population
    -More immigrants came in to canada
  • James Bay Agreement

    James Bay Agreement
    -Recognition of treaty rights
  • Oka Crisis

    Oka Crisis
    -Mohawk warriors established blocks on the borders of their reserves
    -This was done because a golf course was made on their property
  • The Brain Drain

    The Brain Drain
    -The smartest worker from other countries came to seek opurtunity