
By nick.a
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Bering strait land bridge

    Bering strait land bridge
    The Bering strait land bridge is the main theory of how the first occupants made it to North America. The Bering strait land bridge comes from Siberia and goes to North America.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to


  • Sep 4, 1534

    Jacque Carter's voyages

    Jacque Carter's voyages
    Jacques Cartier went on three voyages to claim land for the king, to find a route to asia and to bring back precious minerals and spices. His first voyage was in 1534 when just went into the gulf of the St.Lawrence. In his second voyage in 1535 he explored the St.Lawrence and encountered the Aboriginals in Stadacona and Hochelaga. His third voyage was in 1541 when he went to bring settlers to New France but it failed because of the cold weather.
  • Samuel de Champlain

    Samuel de Champlain
    Samuel de Champlain settled Quebec in 1608. He made contact with the Algonquains and they made an alliance. He also traded with them for fur. The Iroquois became enemies with the french because they had become alies with they're enemies.
  • Trading post in Stadacona

    Trading post in Stadacona
    In 1608, when Samuel de Champlain settled Quebec the first building he crated was a trading post in Stadacona soon to be New France.
  • Company of 100 Associates

    Company of 100 Associates
    The company of 100 was givin monopoly of the fur trade by King Louis 14th. In return they where supposed to populate New France for the king. The company did not bring settlers because they knew it would cut into they're profits, because they where responsible for them for the first year they where in New France.
  • Settlement of Trois Rivieres

    Settlement of Trois Rivieres
    Sieur de Laviolette made the settlement of Trois Rivieres for communication of the fur trade to stop the Iroquois from intercepting the trades.
  • Jean Talon

    Jean Talon
    In 1663 Jean Talon was made Intendant of New France by King Louis 14th, He was paced to increase the Population. While he put in place measures witch greatly increased Immigration and reproduction. They're was three groups of people that came to New France. The groups where the Filles du Roy, the Carignan Salieres regiment and the Engages. The soldiers of the Carignan Slaieres where brought over to New France to help defend from the Iroquois and in case of any other attacks.
  • Jean Talon Continued

    Jean Talon Continued
    The soldiers where offered free land in New France after they served in the army.The Engages came to New France and became masters of trades to help the town, and they got free land.The Filles du Roy came for two reasons. First to get more woman in New France because the population was very male dominant, and second to marry the men and reproduce.They're where measures in place that gave people more money depending on the amount of children they had to encourage them to have as many as possible.
  • The British Regime

    The British Regime
    The British Regime started in 1760 after the 7 year war between France and England. The population of english in 1760 60 was 1% and the rest french but they where all considered British subjects.
  • British Immigration Policies

    British Immigration Policies
    British Immigration started in 1763 with the wealthy Businessmen. Immigration policies began in 1791 when they started giving land to companies that where helping the population.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    In this Act the French population of Quebec got some of they're rights restored. They had the rights to practise the catholic religion and the French civil laws where restored, but the English criminal law stayed.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    In 1776 the 13 colonies declared their independence. During this revolution, around 15% of the population stayed loyal to the king of England, they where called the loyalist. They're where roughly 46,000 loyalist that went to British North America, and nearly 10,000 that went to Quebec.
  • Constitutional Act

    Constitutional Act
    This act divided British North America in two parts, Upper canada where the English Canadians lived, and Lower canada where the French Canadians lived. Also the loyalist took the Eastern Townships.
  • Emigration of French Canadians

    Emigration of French Canadians
    During the 1830's many French Canadians left Canada to go work in factories in the United States. The mains reasons where that the jobs in the United States paid more then in Canada and the seigneuries where getting to crowded.
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    In this Act Upper and Lower Canda where re united into Canada. Now the French where the minority, and english was the official language.
  • The Great Famine

    The Great Famine
    Between 1845 and1852 they're was a massive famine in Ireland. In Ireland the main source of food where potatoes, but during this time they're was a disease in the potatoes which made them not edible. Around 1 million people died because of the potato famine. Some of them went to canada but before they can enter they had to go on a quarintine island to make sure they where not sick.
  • Confederation

    Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Ontario joined together to create the Dominion of Canada.
  • Indian Act

    Indian Act
    The Indian Act gave natives land they only they can build on, but it was still considered the governments land. The only reason the government gave them reserves is because the natives where protesting because the government had been exploiting they're lands.
  • Baby Boom

    Baby Boom
    After World war II, because of the amazing economy people where able to have large families without worrying to much about the cost of having children, Because of this the average woman had 3 to 4 babies.
  • Bill 101

    Bill 101
    The Quebec government enacted this bill to keep the French culture alive. It makes children that immigrate to Quebec have to go to French schools and that French is the sole main language of Quebec.