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Physical Education Class Timeline

  • Period: to

    Class Schedule

  • What is Locomotor Movement?

    What is Locomotor Movement?
    These skills allow us to move in many different directions such as walking, jogging, moving forwards, backwards, side-shuffling, skipping, running, jumping, hopping and leaping.
  • What is Non-locomotor Movement?

    What is Non-locomotor Movement?
    This skills works on balance while standing still. Examples would be bending, stretching, pushing, pulling, bouncing, swinging, shaking and twisting.
  • What is Dance?

    What is Dance?
    Dancing allows us to move freely within our space and is often with accompanied music. We can use music to help us direct our movements.
  • What is Tossing?

    What is Tossing?
    This skill will help us learn how to gently pass an object through the air to our classmates.
  • What is Catching?

    What is Catching?
    You will learn how to catch a ball that your classmate has gently tossed into your hands.
  • What is an Overhand Throw?

    What is an Overhand Throw?
    This is similar to a toss, you will be lifting a ball over your head and throwing it but NOT aiming at your classmates. This skill is much stronger and should only be used when instructed to.
  • What is Kicking?

    What is Kicking?
    This skill will be practiced mostly outside. We will learn how to kick a ball with our feet while aiming at a stationary target.
  • What is Hand Dribbling?

    What is Hand Dribbling?
    This skill will teach you how to move a ball with your hands and practice control and coordination.
  • What is Foot Dribbling?

    What is Foot Dribbling?
    With this skill we will learn how to move a ball with our feet while maintaining balance and control while keeping the ball near ourselves.
  • What is a Volley?

    What is a Volley?
    A volley is another word for a pass, we will practice volleying with our hands and our feet.