The first two weeks after birth, babies gain an ounce a day. Use lots of reflexes (root, suck, moro, etc). -
1 - 3 Months
Avg. weight gain is 2 pounds a month. Protective reflexes start to disappear. They start to have active leg movements and listen to sounds. -
4 - 6 Months
By this time, weight has doubled since birth. Protective reflexes are gone. They can balance their heads well and their body begins to support their legs when held in a standing position. Start making syllable sounds. -
7 - 9 Months
Start crawling and pulling on things to stand up. Can hold objects in hands. They can drink from bottles now and they put everything in their mouths. Can make two syllable sounds. -
10 - 12 Months
Can walk around by holding onto furniture or with a parents help. Can eat finger foods. Random scribbles and banging of objects against the floor. Make animal noises and can say "ma-ma and da-da" and know who they are. -
1 year
Can walk on own, dances with music, stack blocks, back teeth start to appear, and can possibly undress themselves. Can say simples phrases. -
2 Years
Can walk and run well, start to catch and throw, climb on structures, have good finger control. Can start naming body parts and know about 300 words but mostly use three worded sentences. Knows own name, age, and gender. -
3 Years
Runs and jumps easily, can dress and undress (except buttons and laces), mostly has all baby teeth, bladder and bowel control is established. Knows up to 900 words and people can understand them. Can speak 2 to 3 sentences. Ask "why?", knows about size, prepositions, and past tense. -
4 Years
Sing songs, walk downstairs alone, catch and throw overhand, understands difference between reality and fantasy. Constantly ask questions, can tell stories, and repeat bad words if they've heard them from a parent. Understands time and more aware of other people. -
5 Years
Can jump rope, walk backwards, balance on one foot, can tie shoes and dress self, permeant teeth may start coming in. Understands money, commands, and knows the days and months. Curious about the world. -
6 - 7 Years
Practice skills to become better, likes staying busy, vision is sharp, can ride a bike. Understands numbers, night and day, right and left, can read books. -
8 - 9 Years
More fine tuned movements, can dress and groom self alone, can use tools. Can count backwards, enjoys reading, and enjoy collecting random objects. -
10 Years
Adult teeth will begin to develop. Can write stories and enjoys using technology.