Physical development milestones

  • Period: to

    New born

    Newborn: rough, random,
    reflexive movement
  • at 3 months

    : head at 90 degree
    angle, uses arms to
    prop; visually track
    through midline
  • at 5 months

    : purposeful grasp;
    roll over;
    head lag disappears;
    reaches for objects;
    transfer objects from hand to hand;
    plays with feet; exercises body by stretching, moving;
    touch genitals,
    rock on stomach for pleasure
  • at 7 months

    sits in “tripod”
    push head
    torso up off the floor
    support weight on legs;
    “raking” with hands
  • at 9 months

    gets to and from sitting; crawls,
    pulls to standing; stooping and recovering;
    fingerthumb opposition;
    eyehand coordination, but
    no hand preference
  • at 12 months

  • at 15 months

    more complex motor skills
  • at 24 months

    Average yearly weight gain is 4 to 6 pounds
    Gait is steadier and more like an adult
  • 2 1/2 years

  • 3 years

    Average yearly weight gain is 4 to 6 pounds. Begins to use scissors. Balances on one foot for 5 seconds. Runs easily. Rides a tricycle. Uses a toilet
  • 4 years

    Balances on one foot for 4 - 8 seconds
    Jumps from step
    Cuts straight with scissors
    Copies a circle
  • 5 years

    Skips using alternate feet
    Catches large balls
    Bathes self
    Walks backwards toe to heel
  • 6 years

    Climbs, skips, hops, and gallops
    Learning to ride bikes
  • at 7 to 12 years

    Dexterity increases
    Skates, rides bikes
    Agility and coordination improves
    Motor skills improve
    Girls have sudden growth spurts