Physical development

  • Infant's first development milestones

    Infant's first development milestones
    the infant being able to learn how to sit up alone without support, display a social smile, and rolling over by themself.
  • Month 6 to 1st year

    Month 6 to 1st year
    The baby begins to learn how to babble, hold their own bottle, understand "NO" and will stop in activity in response, and learning how to walk while holding on to furniture or other support
  • 3 Years Old

    3 Years Old
    Child begins to learn to feed themselves, run forwards and backwards, learn to pronounce first and last name, and walk up and down stairs.
  • Toddler

    Begin to dress themselves, learning share with others, Recognizes differences between males and females,Uses more words and understands simple commands
  • Preschooler

    Balances better, may begin to ride a bicycle,Begins to recognize written words, reading skills start,Starts school,Enjoys doing most things independently, without help
  • Primary (6-10 years)

    Primary (6-10 years)
    Understands size concepts,Understands time concepts,Begins gaining skills for team sports such as soccer, T-ball, or other team sports
    Begins to lose "baby" teeth and get permanent teeth
  • School Age (10-12 Years)

    School Age (10-12 Years)
    Reading skills develop further,Routines important for daytime activities,Understands and is able to follow several directions in a row
  • Beginning of Adolescent (12-16 Years)

    Beginning of Adolescent (12-16 Years)
    Girls begin to show growth of armpit and pubic hair, breast development, Menarche (first menstrual period) may occur in girls, Peer recognition begins to become important
  • Adolescent (16 Years-18)

    Adolescent (16 Years-18)
    Adult height, weight, sexual maturity,
    Boys show growth of armpit, chest, and pubic hair; voice changes,Girls show growth of armpit and pubic hair; breasts develop; menstrual periods start
  • 18+ Years

    18+ Years
    Peer acceptance and recognition is of vital importance,
    Understands abstract concepts, Understanding time management, Job experience, Relationship experience