physical motor 1-3 month
around 1 month the baby can lift its head up in order to turn head from side to side. -
1-3 month social emotional
comforted by the human face -
1-3 month social emotional
whimpers when hungry -
physical development 4 month
this baby can sit unsupported for short periods of time -
4 month cognitive
shaking a rattle -
4 month physical
rolling -
4 month cognitive
smiling -
4 month social-emotional
laughing when tickled -
4 month social-emotional
attachment to one special object -
emotional 5-6 month
this baby smiles meaning its emotion is happiness -
5-6 month social-emotional
enjoys playing with children -
5-6 month cognitive
smiles at self in the mirror -
5-6 month cognitive
studying object intently -
5-6 physical
being helpful while being pulled up -
5-6 physical
rolls from tummy -
7-8 month social emotional
anger more dramatically -
motor skill 7-8 month
baby creeping up on people -
7-8 month motor skill
can lean over while sitting and grab something -
7-8 cognitive
likes to empty and fill containers -
7-8 cognitive
pointing -
7-8 month social emotion
fearing strangers -
physical 1-3
can move arms and legs together -
1-3 month cognitive
crying delibertely for assitance; -
1-3 month cognitive
prefers to look at human faces and patterned objects -
cognitive skill 9 month
baby trying to find his toy -
9 month motor skill
sits alone -
9 month motorskill
crawling up stairs -
9 month cognitive
responding to a few words -
9 month social and emotional
may show fear of heights or afraid to crawl down stairs -
9 month social and emotional
likes to play games like patty cake -
social-emotional development 10 month
10 month cognitive
waves goodbye -
10 month cognitive
looking at pictures -
10 month social emotional
happiness -
10 month motorskill
climbing on chair -
10 month motorskill
standing with little support -
cognitive 11 month
11 month cognitive
looking for some -
11 month social and emotional
may not do what other friends are doing -
11 month social and emotional
not wanting to cooperative -
11 month motorskill
stands alone -
11 month motorskill
stand while picking up object -
1 year motor skill
1 year motor skill
waliking holding on to furniture -
1 yr cognitive
pointing to body parts -
1 yr cognitive
waving goodbye -
1 yr social ane emotional
enjoying playing with siblings -
1 yr social and emotional
resisting napping -
1 yr cognitive