Baby is born
12-15 Months Physical Development
-Learning to walk
-Bends over and picks up things
-Stands alone
-Empty containers -
12-15 Months Cogntive Development
-The toddler startsto say "No!"
-Express pleasureness and playfulness
-Uses 2 words skillfully
-Imitate others -
16-18 Months Physical Development
-Turns pages of books
-Likes riding toys
-Discovers the joy of climbing
-Brushes teeth with some help -
16-18 Months Cogntive Development
-Talks more clearly
-Understands limits
-Uses handful of words
-Plays with more toys -
19-21 Months Physical Development
-Use spoon or ork
-Can run
-Can take off clothes
-Can throw a ball underarm -
19-21 Months Cogntive Development
-Finds there own individuality
-Can set simple goals
-Becomes more scare when left alone
-Search hidden objects -
22-24 Months Physical Development
-Makes 2 tower blocks
-Kicks a ball foward
-Can walk don stairs
-Can put on clothing -
22-24 Months Cogntive Development
-Follow 2 steps request
-Can name simple book names
-Can use 50 words
-imitate others -
24-30 Months Physical Development
-Washes hands and dries hands
-draws vertical lines -
24-30 Months Cogntive Development
-Can name body parts of a doll
-Makes short sentences
-Half of speech is understandable
-Starts talking about him or herself -
30-36 Months Physical Development
-Hops and skips
-Wiggles thumbs
-Less naps
-Toilet train -
30-36 Months Cogntive Development
-Names two actions
-Describes objects
-Follows 3 commands
-Carries conversations