Baby was born
13 to 15 months
Physical : May stand alone without support for a short time . Crusis along furniiture takes steps while holding onto parents hands -
13 t o15 months
Cognitive : Begins to form concepts . Notices actions of other children and adults. Loves to mimic actions. Explores different features of objects as if studying them -
16 to 18 months
Physical : May be able to walk sideways. Stands on either foot with support. Walks fast and runs stiffly. Squats down smoothly from standing postition. Jumps with both feet. Pushes and pulls large toys around floor -
16 to 18 months
Cognitive : identifys simple pictures in books Enjoys working with shapes on form board. Has short attention span. Remembers where objects belong.Begins to figure things out through thought process. -
19 to 21 months
Physical : Walks sideways and backword . Runs without falling often -
19 to 21 months
Cognitive : can rememeber familiar objects without seeing them. Places circles, triangles, and squares in form board. Is interested in tiny things such as bugs. Looks at books for longer periods of time. -
22 to 24 months
Physical : Walks with more coordination and assurance. Walks sidewyas and backwards withs ease. Bounces and sways in simple dancing movements. Jumps with both feet off the floor -
22 to 24 months
Cognitive : Becomes interested in the outcome of activities rather than just the activities themselfs. Identifies familiar objects on Tv screen. May be able to draw crude pictures and can identify what they are. -
24 to 30 months
Physical : Improves motor skills as torso lenghts and baby fat begins to disappear. Enjoys running but is unable to measure sudden stops. May collide with other people or obstacles. Climbs everywhere indoors even in forbidden places. -
24 to 30 months
Cognitive : Becomes icreasingly interested in childrens Tv shows. Understands cause and effect in terms of own behavior. Is able to plan a play activity and carry it out. Enjoys playing house and imitating family. -
30 to 36 months
a toddler 30 to 36 months walking up the stairs Physical : Likes to be in constant motion, running, or walking sideways or backwards. Enjoys games involving running. Goes up steps by alternating feet but goes down one foot at a time.Climbs quickly to jungle gym to reach the top. -
30 to 36 months
Cognitive : Begins to classify objects into general categories. Uses symbloic representation in make belive play. Tries out various roles in play. Tries new play activities to discovor more about how things work. Becomes more skilled in putting puzzles together. Recognizes self in photographs.