The Day I was born
It was the glorious day of my life. I meet the world.I meet my parent. I get to breath air. It was the most beautiful moment of my life. -
The first time I want on an airplane
Hearing all the accident that occurred on a plane. I was afraid to go on an airplane. But during my trip to the USA. It was going well. After I get to the USA. My thought about airplane changes. Now, I'm more confident going on an airplane since that ride was a success and I actually enjoy being in the airplane because of the outside view. It's calm and quiet. I was amazing. Now instead of being scared to go on a plane. I'm not scare anymore. -
The day I moved to Chicago
It was nerve racking. I'm scared that I can't communicate with others because I can't speaking English. Also, I'm afraid that life won't be the same, but you know what? It did changed my life my ALOT. I"m scared that I can't communicate with others because I can't speak English. Look at you now, Pham. I'm afraid life won't be the same. Life did changed, but in a positive way. -
My first American Christmas celebration
Vietnamese and American Christmas is very different and in my opinion. I like the American style better. There is more feature to American Christmas while Vietnamese Christmas was all about the gift (not even that much). no Christmas trees. No mistletoe. No singing. No snow. This changes my live. I want to move to American christmas then Vietnamese. -
The day I sees the world as an scary place
Life wasn't scary at all. Until my uncle starts reading a scary story at night and lets me watch a horror movie for the first time. Life at that point changes me a lot. Now instead of me waking in a dark area without being scared, I would literally find the closest light switch and turn it on immediately. But to be honest, I like being scared. This is why I love to read scary story and watch horror movies. -
The day I go to summer school because I failed 6th grade
Summer school was an experience. It was fun because I get to meet new friends, yet it's torturing. Why? Lunch, homework, and the extremely hot weather. I have bad time, and good time there. -
The time I got engage in classical
I used to be an EDM lover. Well. Not anymore. I"m more of an emotional guy now. Classical hit me right in the music spot. Why? It was this song called "Empire of Angels by Thomas Bergersen" that engaged me. It was soo emotional. That it changed the way I listen to music. -
The year I was an successful student
It was the year I did the best in Elementary school. Why? I was every one of my 8th teacher favorite student. I got all A and one B. I tried my best to get all A -
The day I was engaged with computer graphics
Disney got me inspired on computer graphic. It wasn't until late 2017 when my friend introduces "Blender" to me. It was the perfect computer graphic program for me. I got engaged with the program, and I stick with it for a long time. Learning step by step how to model and animate my character. Blender is such an awesome program. -
The time I met a conductor
Meeting a conductor was my dream, and it came true. I met a conductor "Lukasz Michalski" and man was he a great guy. He teaches me how to compose a good classical music. How to make my classical music emotional. How to conduct a group. And most importantly. How to make my song entertaining.