Personal Timeline

  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    March 4th 2005 was the year my mom brought me into this world. I weighed in at about 9lbs 5oz and 21in.This is the beginning of everything that has happened in my time here on this Earth. The day I was born plays a big role in shaping me by being one of the first things I’ve been grateful and thankful for
  • Nickname and potty training

    Nickname and potty training
    It was a few months after turning 1 and I got a pot to start potty training. Once I finished peeing or doing my business I would always yell bookie and ever since then family and relatives have called me bookie. This is the first nickname I could remember and I honestly still love it because the story is so funny when I hear my family reminisce about my potty training and how I got my nickname.
  • First haircut

    First haircut
    It was the summer before my kindergarten year when I decided to cut all my long hair that I had all my little life out for a new look (also to get out of getting my hair done because I couldn’t sit still at all) It was the first ever new look I felt different and brand new with a new haircut. It played a role in shaping me now to know to try new things because sometimes those new things can push or bring out the best in yourself.
  • First year of organized football

    First year of organized football
    I began my First year of organized football for the Powhatan Chiefs. I really enjoyed it and actually had a feel for the game. My team was the best. I still talk to them to this day about the rec days in purple and gold we shared. I really started to have a passion for the game. I won trophies and almost won the championship my first year. Football played a big role in shaping me because in my heart I knew it was something I could do forever at the time
  • 5th grade graduation

    5th grade graduation
    In 2014 I graduated from Glen Lea elementary and was on my to the next level. My 5th grade graduation is a significant event to me because walking across the stage to get my diploma was just an amazing feeling. It shaped me by knowing that I have to continue the work and push through all adversity and accomplish all my future dreams.
  • My best friend

    My best friend
    I became best friends with one of the most funniest, smartest, and caring girls in the world. Lati is the first girl I could tell everything to and I always knew she would be there if I needed her. She’s my backbone and I love her lots. She plays a big role in how much respect I have for girls along with my mother also, she also is a huge reason on why I love so hard and why I value loyalty so much because she’s showed me nothing but the best and brings out the best in me
  • Running track/Long jump

    Running track/Long jump
    In 7th grade I decided to run track with the wilder track team, I didn’t really enjoy it at first but as time progressed I began to start to like it more and more. This event is important to me because I found a new sports activity outside of football and slowly began to have a feel for running track and long jumping. This event played a role in shaping me into who I am because I gained lots of knowledge and support from my track coach Mr.Lightfoot.
  • The pandemic

    The pandemic
    The pandemic was a very interesting event in my life. I feel like the pandemic started off weird, then had ways of being very boring and dull for me, but at the end of that summer I learned a new skill that I enjoyed which was detailing and working on cars. The pandemic shaped me by realizing this is going to be something everyone remembers, it was very devastating on how many lives were lost, business gone, property lost and more.
  • The Twins

    The Twins
    Nuri and Zion Ortiz made me a big brother all of again. I love them dearly and love watching them grow and expand their knowledge. Recently my mom lost a sibling of mine who was a stillbirth and it was a little difficult at first but I had to realize we will always have him with us. When the twins came I was so happy to hold them almost as if they were my kids and it made me realize how much I want a family in the future and how much of a good dad I would be.
  • First Job

    First Job
    It was just for the summer but I enjoyed the working experiences and making the money. I was the detail man at first so I learned a lot about detailing but then I started to learn simple mechanics on certain cars like replacing seats with new ones, oil changes, and removing scratches or scrapes off cars. Working at my Uncle’s car lot meant a lot to me. I got the chance to spend the summer with him, bond on a different level, listen to great life tips and motivational tips from him
  • Real estate

    Real estate
    5 years from now I see myself as a realtor after finishing 2-4 years of college or trade school working in a firm or own my own selling properties, This matters because I feel the most interested in being a realtor and traveling. I like the market it has and what it brings to the table as far as earnings. I need a few things to set me up to becoming a good real estate one being build my communication and social skills
  • 10 years Later

    10 years Later
    10 years from now I see myself as a successful realtor and possibly preparing myself to start my family with a great house. I also want to have a side business like repairing phones or detailing where I take people in and teach young high-schoolers and mentor them Because I feel as if I was always surrounded around great people who helped me get to where I am now, I want to do the same thing years later to continue expanding their mindsets and helping them with their futures