Personal Timeline - AP Psych

  • Birth!

  • Santacaligon with Family

    Santacaligon with Family
  • First Disney Trip

    First Disney Trip
  • Nutcracker Performance

    Nutcracker Performance
  • Last Nutcracker Performance

    Last Nutcracker Performance
  • First Year of College

    First Year of College
  • Having My Own Cat

    Having My Own Cat
  • First Job - International Realtions

    First Job - International Realtions
  • Buying My First House

    Buying My First House
  • Retirement

  • What does your timeline tell you about yourself?

    My timeline tells me that I want to lead a peaceful and hard working life, with lots of success and happiness. I care about activities in my life, and they are important moments in my timeline. Other important moments have shaped my interests, like Disney and cats.
  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    I think that I would have different hobbies and wouldn't dance, if I hadn't begun dancing when I was little. I wouldn't have an appreciation for my family if I hadn't spent time with them as a kid. I wouldn't have the same love of Disney and cats. I might have different goals, and end up leading a completely different life.
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem to be?

    I think that while my future is pretty flexible, there are certain events that are fixed, because they are goals of mine that I know won't change. Like for example, getting a cat. I love cats, and I've always wanted to have a pet of my own, so I definitely will get one in the future. I also know that I will want to go back to Disney many times, because I love it so much and it holds special memories for me.