
9B Personal Timeline 8

  • 0 Birth

    0 Birth
    In the cold winter of 2007, I was born on the 29th of December in the Philippines. I was named after my father, my name being a female version of his. This day was a momentous occasion for them because I am their first born child. This was all new to them but they did a good job in raising me.
  • 0 My First Steps

    0 My First Steps
    My mother told me stories about what I was like when I was a child, one of those were my first steps. She told me that I took my first steps when I was a few months old. That time my mother didn’t own a camera or any form of device so she was never able to record me.
  • 0 First Birthday

    0 First Birthday
    Many families including mine have big celebrations for their baby's first birthdays, we throw big parties inviting family members and friends. This is also the same day as our baptisms, my family feels like it should be on the same day because they both represent important days.
  • 0 Baptism

    0 Baptism
    I don’t remember this day since I was so young but my mom showed me pictures of my baptism. I was surrounded by many of my family members in this photo, being carried by a lot of them too. That was the only thing she ever told me about my baptism back in the Philippines.
  • +2 Moving to Canada

    +2 Moving to Canada
    My father was the first one who arrived in Canada, he was there to get a better job and lifestyle for us to be raised in. He never specified how long he was there but he soon brought us to live in Canada when I was 4.
  • +3 Kindergarden Class

    +3 Kindergarden Class
    I was old enough to start kindergarten so my parents went to look at schools for me to attend, we lived near my old school St. Clement so that's where I was sent to. I arrived at school knowing little English so I didn't know how to communicate with my classmates, it was very hard for me since I couldn't understand my teacher.
  • +5 The Beginning of a Friendship

    +5 The Beginning of a Friendship
    Lianne was the first person I became friends with, I don’t recall when we actually started talking but both of us have been friends ever since. I met her in kindergarten but unfortunately, we were in different classes that year, the next year in grade 1 we were practically inseparable. We’ve had our share of fights and arguing but it's been a strong 11 years.
  • +2 Eucharist

    +2 Eucharist
    My family is religious so it was expected for me to have my first Eucharist. My mom signed me up at St. Thersa Church, I was also there with my cousin Jen. Every class would be listening to the Priest talking about the word of God.
  • +5 The Birth of Another Sibling

    +5 The Birth of Another Sibling
    When my mother broke the news that she was pregnant with my baby brother I was ecstatic, Me and my Younger brother immediately asked her what the sex of the baby was so w could start looking for names. He was born on the 29th of April at night.
  • +5 Our Friend Group

    +5 Our Friend Group
    Jen and I are cousins so we’ve known each other since we were little, while Lianne and I have been friends since kindergarten. I met Kirstine when we were partners for a social project and immediately clicked, so I introduced her to Lianne and Jen during recess. All 4 of us have just been friends ever since.
  • +4 Grade 5 Exhibition

    +4 Grade 5 Exhibition
    In my school when you're in grade 5 you do this big project where we are put into groups of 4-5 and work on a given topic. In my exhibition group we had the topic about how technology affected us. Ee made these board games to show people other ways to be entertained rather than being on a device. The projects lasted the whole year until we had exhibition night on May.
  • +4 Confirmation

    +4 Confirmation
    Every Mondy’s we would go to the church and meet with our group “teacher” to read this book called the Youcat. Every day when we would have class the teacher assigns us reflections from the book where we have to give it to her the next day.
  • +5 Getting my Honours

    +5 Getting my Honours
    I was online last year and we had to join our announcements team meeting where they would announce awards. I joined because I thought my friend would get one and I was prepared to congratulate the winners. When they were reading the names of the people in my class who would get an honors I did not expect for me to get one I was shocked, my mind went blank and I was so confused. We picked up the certificate the week after.