Micah's Personal Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born in Concord, North Carolina to Desha and Matt Carson. At the time my Dad worked for Joe Gibbs Racing and my Mom worked as a nurse.
  • Period: to

    Lived in Concord, North Carolina

    My family and I lived on Donelea Lane off of Poplar Tent Road. I don't really remember many things about my life during this period. The memories that I do remember come from that house or my grandparents' houses.
  • My brother was born

    My brother was born
    I don't really remember the day my brother was born but I can imagine I was very proud to have a little brother.
  • Hope Academy

    Hope Academy
    Hope Academy was really fun. I went there for my Kindergarten and 1st Grade schooling. I had lots of friends there: Beau Elliot, Connor Scheer, and Colin Bagwell. I was a part of the first ever kindergarten class and started the first year that the school opened. Hope Academy does 3 of in-school learning and 2 days of at home learning. I might be able to say that this is the reason for the way I think the way I do.
  • ILC in Richmond, Virginia

    ILC in Richmond, Virginia
    Right before we were about to move overseas we stayed in Virginia to receive training and preparation for being a missionary. I remember thinking that that place was really awesome. We all ate food in one big room and I had classes with other kids about to go overseas. I remember meeting my friend Alden Ambler who was full of energy.
  • Moved to Dhaka, Bangladesh

    Moved to Dhaka, Bangladesh
    I vividly remember the day, May 22nd. We went and visited the Johnson's house for dinner but me and my brother curled up on a dining room chair and fell asleep during dinner. Bangladesh was a brand new experience for me. I remember being really sad about leaving my friends and family back in North Carolina. I was not worried about what was to come, that time I lived in the moment. Only looking back now do I realize how significant this was for my life.
  • Period: to

    Lived in Dhaka, Bangladesh

    My family and I lived in Banani, Dhaka. During my time in Bangladesh learned how to live in a different culture. The greatest thing that I learned from living there was that not every place is like America. I think that living in this environment made me a lot of who I am today. I am used to change and used to adversity.
  • Grace International School (GIS)

    Grace International School (GIS)
    I was at Grace for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. Grace was a really unique experience. All of my memories of Grace does not relate to academics. I was a part of the soccer (I was actually the captain) and basketball teams. Thinking back I would say my best friends were Dawson Meese, Timothy, Josh, and Dhruv. Our schooling environment was crazy compared to here. We had only about 15 - 20 kids in our entire grade and we're taught with the British education system.
  • My sister was born

    My sister was born
    My sister was born in New Dehli, India. My family and I stayed in India for the month of March waiting for my sister to be born. I am 8 years older than my sister, she was actually born 3 days after my 8th birthday. I can remember a time where she did not exist which is crazy to me. I think it was interesting that I was able to see how my parents took care of my younger siblings.
  • IMB meetings in Thailand

    IMB meetings in Thailand
    Every summer our company would host huge meetings with all of families working in South Asia. All of these trips were really memorable because everyone would stay at a giant resort and eat most our meals together. I would stay with a pack of kids all day and play games. This was such a cool experience and I got to meet so many people there.
  • France and England

    France and England
    This my vacation to France and England in between Bangladesh and moving back to America. It was honestly pretty underwhelming. It was gray and rainy the entire time, but it was cool to see famous monuments.
  • Moved back to America

    Moved back to America
    We spent 6 months in America in between our missionary terms. While in America I went back to Hope Academy for the last half of my 5th grade year. Usually you might think that coming back to America would be a big culture shock but I was excited to get to eat fast food again. It was also really great to see my family and friends again.
  • Period: to

    Break in America

    In between missionary terms. We stayed in America for 6 months where I went to Hope Academy reconnecting with all of my old friends. I was excited to come back to America because I kind of viewed it as a place of opportunity. We ate lots of fast food and attended lots of events with my church and my parents old jobs.
  • Moved to Kathmandu, Nepal

    Moved to Kathmandu, Nepal
    In January of 2017, my family and I moved to Kathmandu, Nepal. While in Nepal would attend KISC (Kathmandu International Study Centre) for grades 6 - 8. This was a brand new experience for me. When I think of living overseas I mainly think of my life in Nepal because I was older during my time there. Living in Nepal
  • Period: to

    Lived in Kathmandu, Nepal

    My family and I lived in Nepal for about 3 years. While in Nepal I attended KISC where I made lots of friends and continued my love for soccer. Looking back I realize that KISC is likely the reason for my good academics. We only had 15 people in our grade so we all got to know each other well. I realize now that our 'least smartest' people only got like 70s, which blows my mind compared to here.
  • Kathmandu International Study Centre (KISC)

    Kathmandu International Study Centre (KISC)
    KISC was a really interesting period in my life. I attended KISC for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. At KISC I was learning Spanish and Nepali along with all of the other standard classes. My best friends in Nepal were: Evan Jensen, George Colville, Ezra, and Pratyush Chettri.
  • Activity week

    Activity week
    Once a year KISC would host activity week which was a week long field trip to somewhere out in Nepal. Our 6th grade and 8th grade years our class went on a trek. We would hike for 4 - 6 hours a day and then camp out or sleep in teahouses. I am really sad that school's in America don't really do this. Some of my favorite memories came from these trips and it was a great way to experience native culture. Being out of the city meant that we traveled through villages to places tourists would not go.
  • Vietnam

    Our vacation in Vietnam was amazing. We went on a cruise to see all of the islands that are off of the coast. Being in Vietnam made me see America in a different way. One thing that I notice is that the 'Vietnam War' is called the 'American War' in Vietnam. I think this shows how America is not the 'best' country in the world. One theme I found overseas is that people either hate (the nation not individuals) or love America.
  • Period: to

    Lived in North Carolina

    This is my time spent in America to the present. I think that this December will officially mark the longest time I have spent in a country in 9 years. Living back in America has made me realize how America really is a land of opportunity. As a teenager I can get a job, prepare for college, and drive a car. These are all things I never thought about in Nepal and Bangladesh because I was just expected to do good in school.
  • Italy and Poland

    Italy and Poland
    My vacation in Italy and Poland was really fun. This was in between our moving from Nepal to America. We were in Rome on Christmas Day, we had visited the Vatican the day prior. We flew up to Poland to visit some friends for a day. I remember thinking that Poland was really far north because it was getting dark at 3pm.
  • Hickory Grove Christian School (HGCS)

    Hickory Grove Christian School (HGCS)
    HGCS is my church's school. Since we were staying in their mission house, they let me and my brother attend school there for one semester. This was the 2nd half of my 8th grade year. I tried out baseball and cross country but neither worked out with Covid-19. I am really thankful I was able to go to this school because they let me take tests to get credit for my middle school classes, this allowed me to get a year ahead in math and take all honors.
  • West Cabarrus High School (WCHS)

    West Cabarrus High School (WCHS)
    I started school at WCHS to start my first year of high school. My first year was pretty boring because I sat at home all day. However, the next two years really allowed me to advance my learning and prepare for college. Schools in America, even public ones, have some of the best resources in world for education. I often find myself taking these resources for granted or slacking off on my work because I am tired.
  • Driver's license

    Driver's license
    It felt really good to get my license. I remember being really stressed out with the idea of driving because I got back from overseas and all of the sudden I had to learn how to drive on 'foreign' roads. I think my Dad was also glad when I got my license because he was always into racing and cars, so seeing me being able to drive was a great feeling for him.
  • Working at Bravo Team

    Working at Bravo Team
    Bravo Team is an engineering consultant company. This was my first real job. I worked as an intern doing simple tasks around the shop. This was a really unique experience for me because I was the only one my age, so I had to act and work like an adult. I hope to work there next summer and hopefully work on more electrical engineering work.