Personal Timeline

By orray
  • First Months with Younger Sibling

    First Months with Younger Sibling
    The first few months spent with my younger and only sibling. I was no longer an only child and had to learn to adapt to another human I would grow up knowing.
  • I Began Dancing

    I Began Dancing
    I began dancing in 2016. Dance has become an everyday part of my life since then.
  • The Passing of my Grandfather

    The Passing of my Grandfather
    My closest relative passed away May 3rd, 2016. I was 11 years old and this was the first time I experienced grief and the loss of a loved one.
  • I Started Middle School

    I Started Middle School
    I began middle school in fall of 2017. Middle School was different from school in the past and I met my life long friends throughout those three years in school.
  • COVID-19 Began

    COVID-19 Began
    COVID-19 began in spring of 2020 and affected every part of my life. The pandemic affected my health and mental well-being along with my learning and motivation.
  • Present Day

    Present Day
    My junior year of high school (present day).
  • Graduating High School

    Graduating High School
    I will graduate high school with a diploma in the spring of 2024. Graduating high school is a big monumental event within ones life.
  • Attending College

    Attending College
    Hopefully, in the fall of 2024 I will be attending a college university studying something I enjoy learning about.
  • Graduating College and Recieving Diploma

    Graduating College and Recieving Diploma
    I will graduate college and maybe attend grad school depending on my major and career choice. After, I will be working my dream job and enjoying what I do.
  • Married

    Sometime in my future I will marry someone I love when I decide I am ready to "settle down" and share my life with someone else.
  • Children

    One day I will have children of my own when I am ready to begin having a family.
  • What does your time line tell you about yourself?

    I believe my timeline really puts my life into perspective. I can understand how each of these previous events in my life have affected and/or shaped me into the person I am today.
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem do be?

    I would like to be okay with the idea of having a flexible future but I am not. The future is anxiety provoking to me and if my plans for the future do not turn out accordingly I believe I will not be as successful as if they had. It seems fairly fixed until it comes to figuring out my career path in which is undecided and unplanned.
  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    I believe I would be drastically different if I were to change any of these significant events that have occurred within my life thus far. If my younger brother had never been born and I was a single child I would have never had to have adapted to living was another sibling and sharing things within my household. If my grandpa had not passed away so early in my childhood I still would not have been exposed to grief and the loss of a loved one all of which had taught me numerous lessons.