Personal Timeline

  • Bottom Lines

    Bottom Lines
    I was just a good kid because of family problems I started hang out with the wrong crowd, ditching school, going on a wrong path and doing stupid things.
  • Moving on to the better

    Moving on to the better
    24/04/2014 is the date when I moved to CA with my mom and start ours life all over again.
  • Hard Time

    Hard Time
    As I keep working and I find my way back to training and start fighting again because it's inside my blood. Things seem got better for me and my mom because she got a job she wanted and I got to train and be a better only took me 2 weeks of training and I got a chance to go to San Diego and fight, after all that hard work I put in I got the win over a 4-0 fighter when I'm only 0-0.
  • Road to Success

    Road to Success
    Starting a new life aren't easy. I hate it so much to a point where I just want to be back to who I were. Day after day things still haven't get any better..and I start going around and asking for jobs..and I actually got a job at this restaurant. I know they're underpaid me but I can't do nothing but just working for them because I needed the money.
  • The better.

    The better.
    Over a year almost two thing is gotten better for me and my mom. We finally got 2 cars, even though it is not brand new car but is still look nice and in a condition to drive around and ours things done. I got a better job and a small business going on which it selling hats and soon will be clothes. But at the end of the day I'm now a senior which it a big sock for me because throughout all of this year I thought I'd be drop out of high school.