personal timeline

  • Brother graduated high school

    The first graduation our little family in the U.S. had gone too.
  • My brother leaving for the army

    We thought he was gonna leave the day after but he left one day early and me and my mother were devastated.
  • The last day i saw my brother

    He forgot his passport and me my cousin and his best friend had to bring it to the army base thing and i saw him swear in and i saw him for the last time and gave him the last hug so far.
  • The first letter

    ill alwayts remember this day it was at a party and i was drunk beyond i dont kniw what and it was past midnight and i got a message from my mother which was the pictures of the letter from my brother. My best friend had to read the to me because i couldn't see.
  • my first letter to him

    I received a letter from my brother and he was sad we hadn't written to him so i wrote him a letter that's three pages long front and back.
  • this event hasnt happend yet but it will

    The day my brother graduates from boot camp and we get to go see him!!