Personal Time Line For Owen Morgan.

  • Period: to

    Personal Time Line For Owen Morgan.

    My personal time line. For Mr. Chandler
  • Joining School

    School is all I have done for my life up until now. It is how I have learned math and how to read, and where I have met all my friends that I have. It is what I will do for the next seven years, so it is very important to me and my life.
  • Getting the Holy Ghost

    I don't remember much about the back to school service that night. I remember that it was in Hot Springs and that it had an average puppet show. Although I don't remember it clearly, I do know I spoke in tongues and got the Holy Ghost that night. That is the base of my religious life, so it is extremely important to me.
  • Joining Band

    I was kind of forced to join band. I thought it was an interesting concept, but my mom didn't give much of an option. I signed up for band and managed to get a trumpet. I don't want to brag, but I'm pretty good on the trumpet. It is important that I joined band because it takes up a lot of my time now, and it is just cool.
  • Joining Football

    My mom once again gave me no option on my activities. I had to do a sport, and football was fine by me. I played for two and a half years and it taught me very important life skills. It taught me not to give up, to be respectful, to be tough, and how to not run like an idiot. I did not like the sport, but I can admit that working out was fun. At least I finished the season.
  • Going into High School

    To be honest, not a lot of important things happen to me so I just chose this. It is important because it is the most important years of school I will have, but I really just chose it for filler.