813vifq3xol. sy550  (1)

Personal Identity Timeline

By prusak
  • Worst Day of My Life

    Worst Day of My Life
    The day I was Born
  • Getting Some Knowledge

    Getting Some Knowledge
    I attended John W. Garvy for 8 years.
  • YMCA

    Joined the YMCA and began learning how to swim
  • First Trip to Poland

    First Trip to Poland
    I was sent to my grandparents in Poland for the whole summer. Also this is my first time in Poland. I really enjoyed traveling outside of the country and made me think of myself as an adventurer.
  • First Computer

    First Computer
    Finally saved up for my first Computer. I had to work a lot to buy this computer and it is really hard to come up with 1200$ at the age of 12. This shows that I am hard working.
  • Keys To Success

    Keys To Success
    I learned how to play the Piano. This shows that I am independent because it is self taught for the most part.
  • Got My First Guitar

    Got My First Guitar
    My brother got me a guitar for my birthday. This is also self taught and reflects on my independence.
  • Coding

    I got interested in how computers worked and taught myself how to code. Once again reflects on my independence because it is self taught.
  • Qualified for Nationals Swimming

    Qualified for Nationals Swimming
    I qualified for nationals at the Age of 13 for USA swimming.
  • Graduation

    Finally Graduated From Garvy, shows that I am determined to succeed.
  • Biggest Mistake Ever

    Biggest Mistake Ever
    Went To St. Pats Freshmen Year. I really disliked the school, and this experience taught me that sometimes what seems like the best option, isn't the best option.
  • Joined Water Polo

    Joined Water Polo
    I tried water Polo for the first time, did pretty well. This shows that I like trying new things.
  • Bought a Pupper

    Bought a Pupper
    My mom bought a German Shepard
  • Near Death Expierience

    Near Death Expierience
    Got a charlie horse in the lake and almost drowned but legends never die. This showed me to cherish my life more because it can be taken away easily.
  • Transferring

    Took a risk and transferred from St.Pats to Taft. This was probably one of the best decisions I made because Taft is closer and a better school. This shows that I am a risk taker.
  • Got Braces

    Got Braces
    This shows that I sacrifice things (like my teeth) for a better outcome in the future.
  • Ferrets Died

    Ferrets Died
    I had two ferrets and the both died this year
  • Baywatch

    I life guarded over the summer and saved some idiots. This job taught me responsibility.
  • Lollapaloozle

    Got to go to Lolla for the first time
  • Gaining Some Real Knowledge

    Gaining Some Real Knowledge
    Joined IBCP Junior Year. This shows that I am serious about my future.