Personal Identity Timeline

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born on March 16, 2003. I was born 2 months early. I was supposed to be born on May 22, 2003
  • Met my Brother

    Met my Brother
    I met my older brother 3 days after being born because I was hooked up to a feeding tube and ventilator in an incubator
  • Practice Everyday (Strong & Motivated)

    Practice Everyday (Strong & Motivated)
    Since the age of 7 I have done gymnastics 5 to 6 days a week for at least 3 hours a day. It is extremely difficult on the human body, but it is more of a mind exercise to see if you continue to get up the next day despite the muscle aching and soreness.
  • Started Gymnastics

    Started Gymnastics
    I started gymnastics with mom and tots classes. This began my love for the sport of gymnastics

    I started playing softball in first grade along with gymnastics and school. All of my life I have been a busy person and very good at time management. This is good for me because I really have a passion for gymnastics.
  • Started Elementary School

    Started Elementary School
    I started elementary school. I always liked school and learning. To this day I still do and I think its because of my good foundation
  • I switched gyms

    I switched gyms
    My favorite coach from the YMCA moved to Elk Grove Gymnastics School to coach, so I followed her there.
  • Started Coaching Special Olympics (Kind)

    Started Coaching Special Olympics (Kind)
    I started coaching Special Olympic Gymnastics when I was about 10. I have been doing it for about 6 years. Right away I formed a connection with my gymnast, Belinda. She pushes me to be a better person.
  • Broke my ankle the first time

    Broke my ankle the first time
    During season I had been practicing very hard so qualify out of level 7. My ankle had been bothering me, but I did not think much of it. i finally went to the doctor and found out that I had 4 stress fractures in it and one growth plate fracture.
  • Didn't get into my dream school

    Didn't get into my dream school
    I did not get into the school that I had been dreaming about since my brother was a freshman there. I did not get a high enough score, but I was 3 spots away from getting in on principals discretion

    I tend to not sugar coat things and be straight up with people. Being honest opens gates to trust and making friends easier.
  • Started High School

    Started High School
    I started high school at Taft and made a lot of new amazing friends. I started in the Pre-IB program, which was really rigorous and opened my eyes to a lot of new topics of learning.

    I like to make people feel included and I am decently social. I made one of my best friends (Amelia) freshman year in algebra when we have a group project and I added her into the group. The rest is history
  • Went to Puerta Vallarta

    Went to Puerta Vallarta
    My mom, Alana Marske, Alanas mother, and I took a girls trip to Puerta Vallarta, Mexico. This trip opened my eyes to the Spanish culture and sparked my love for the Spanish language.
  • Switched Gyms Again (Perseverant)

    Switched Gyms Again (Perseverant)
    I had just broken my ankle again in the first competition of the year when my gym closed. I had been there for 9 years, yet I chose another gym and wanted to continue my gymnastics journey. I had to leave a lot of amazing friends behind.
  • Got my first ukulele (musical)

    Got my first ukulele (musical)
    Last Christmas my mom bought me my first ukulele that my father later stepped on and broke its neck. Luckily he bought we another one a few months later
  • Starting at AAG (Fearless)

    Starting at AAG (Fearless)
    The minute I started at American Academy of Gymnastics I told myself that I would not be scared of any skills because the only way to get better is to try new skills. To this day I still am honoring that vow because I only have 2 more seasons of gymnastics in my life.
  • Starting taking the Train (Independent)

    Starting taking the Train (Independent)
    I started taking the train by myself when I switched gyms because it is in Wheeling which is about 45 minutes away from me.
  • Made National Honors Society (Intelligent)

    Made National Honors Society (Intelligent)
    After spending a lot of time and effort writing the essay for NHS I got in to my surprise.
  • Got a boyfriend

    Got a boyfriend
    I was sad that my ex-boyfriend and I had broken up and was talking to my friend Joey about how I was not going to have a date for homecoming and my ex did. He offered to go with me. A week later I asked him out and I have never been happier.