Personal Identity Digital Timeline

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    i was born in Chicago at swedish Hospital on june 22, 2006
  • developing a new hobby ( art ) with my sister

    developing a new hobby ( art ) with my sister
    It was a relaxing evening and my sister and i had just got done playing in the dining room. my aunt was visiting and wanted to give my sister and i something. she gave my sister a few books because she loved to read at the time. then gave me a sketch book and some drawing supplies. she said she noticed that i enjoyed coloring and wanted to see if id like drawing too. this is when i found my new love for art and embracing the creativity i had. this also made me optimistic about trying new things
  • First Day at Beaubien ( 5th grade )

    First Day at Beaubien ( 5th grade )
    My first day at beaubien was a very memorable time for me, it was my first day at a new school. i knew no body there so i was very nervous about making friends and fitting in. but instead, it went by very good for me. i automatically made like 3 friends and was already confident with the school year.
  • Game party at school

    Game party at school
    We had a game day in my class and it was up to the students to take charge of the games and lead the class and activities. Barely anyone in my class wanted to lead the game sections. So I decided to help the class and teach people how to play the games. This is when I first learned that I like taking a leadership role and helping others because I enjoyed it.
  • first time go karting

    first time go karting
    My first time go karting was very fun however it was very nerve racking at first. since it was my first time doing it i wasnt very knowledgable on how it worked. i assumed it was gonna be a really fast car that i couldnt control so i didnt want to do it. but after doing it with my family it was actually really fun and easy. i won 1st place in a race between my siblings and i.
  • wisconsin summer vacation

    wisconsin summer vacation
    this vacation was one of the best vacations i ever went with my family and i got to connect alot and do alot of fun activities. we went to this water park, horse back riding, gokarting, zoo, and ate at this amazing breakfast place. i dont recall the name of it but they had really good breakfast and gravy.
  • face painting for my schools event

    face painting for my schools event
    this event meant alot to me because it was something i was looking forward to and really wanted to do at the time. my school was having this event and part of the event was to have kids get their face painted. my art teacher had picked a few students and asked them if theyd like to do it. i was one of the students picked and at first i was nervous about talking and facepainting strangers due to me being a introvert. but at the end of the night i got more comfortable and social.
  • new interest in teaching

    new interest in teaching
    on this day specifically was one of the days that made me realize that i enjoy teaching people and im very confident people things if im well knowledgable of the subject. my little cousins were over and they were around 7-8 at the time. they wanted to play school and i thought it was sweet and decided to play with them. i was teaching them something about history that i recently learned in school. they understood it quickly and enjoyed the way i explained things which made me happy.
  • covid hits

    covid hits
    covid has just hit, everyone was worried and the schools didnt know what else to do besides shutting down. so they declared 2 weeks off to stop the spread. i didnt really mind it and worry because i just thought it was a break. but then we didnt end up going back and it was really stressful and dissapointing because it was my 8th grade year. alot of big things were supposed to happen that year but then they got canceled and people didnt know what to do for a long time.
  • online learning

    online learning
    online learning was very confusing at first and difficult for me to understand. it was my first time being taught on a computer every day and having to do all my assignments online. but then after a few weeks i got adapted to it and was used to it. thats when i realized that i can easily adapt to alot of things with practice and learned how to see the positive aspects in negative situations.
  • graduation ( 8th grade )

    graduation ( 8th grade )
    my 8th grade graduation was very exciting,i was happy that i was finally over with middle school and onto highschool. even though i didnt get the entire in school graduation it was still very nice. we had a drive through thing and it was decorated and everything. i then had a party at my house with family and i had a great time. i was very proud of my self in that moment.
  • summer vacation with friends

    summer vacation with friends
    i went again to wisconsin with my friends and one of their parents. we got to see alot of nature stuff and we decided to use my friends camera and take pictures of the natures and animals while we were out there. i got to learn alot about the area visually. which explains alot because im a visual learner.
  • first day of freshman year

    first day of freshman year
    my first day of freshman year i wasnt nervous because it was online instead of in person. i was at my home so i was more comfortable. it was abit difficult to meet new people because i was just talking to a computer all day. but i still managed to meet new people. which shows how social i am and how i can adapt to certain situations.
  • sophomore connection

    sophomore connection
    sophomore connection was to prepare us for sophomore year and getting used to the new building. sophomore year was during the summer and was only for four days. during connection, we learned about opening locks, expecations, building, and met new people. they had a lock opening competition after learning the locks for the first time. i got it my first try which made encouraged and that im a fast learner.
  • getting my first RO uniform

    getting my first RO uniform
    when i first joined rotc and got my uniform before sophomore year. i was very excited because my older sister said the program would be fun and the teachers would be very nice. when i went there i got all my uniform stuff and met the teachers and had a great time. the teachers said that i was very outgoing and kind.
  • first day of sophomore year

    first day of sophomore year
    i was really nervous my sophomore year, because this time it was actually in person. i really didnt wanna go at first but then i calmed myself down and tried to think positive and was okay. it went good
  • carnival

    i went to a carnival with my friends, i was scared to go on the rides at first becase i dont like rides. but then i wanted to try something new and have a good time since its not a often experience
  • PSAT

    psat testing was really new to me, i was so worried about doing my best and being able to stay calm. but after listening to my friends advice i decided to stay calm and just do my best. im good at listening to others and hearing their persoective and im glad i did that in that moment
  • being ranked up in rotc

    being ranked up in rotc
    being ranked up in rotc as a e3 was a very exciting time for me because i wasnt expecting it and i was so proud of myself in that moment. i really enjoy rotc and the leadership it teaches everyone and being able to grow in that program makes me happy
  • last day of sophomore year

    last day of sophomore year
    my last day of sophomore year was very relieving to me, i was finally over with the school year and was excited to be done with half of my highschool years. it made me hopeful for the future.