Personal Identity

By vaeh_9
  • Meeting the girls I now call my sisters

    Meeting the girls I now call my sisters
    I'm an only child. However, when I was younger, I developed an extremely close relationship with 4 of my female cousins who are all sisters; and they became sisters of mine overtime. This event has shaped my life because I've been able to experience having siblings even though I don't have any by blood.
  • Becoming an aunt

    Becoming an aunt
    I became an aunt in 2015 (I think) when I was about 8 years old. This was an important event in my life because it has shaped me into the person I am today. It allowed me understand responsibility and develop a love for kids.
  • Getting my dog

    Getting my dog
    Sometime in 2015, I got my dog, fig. I have had her since then and developed a great love for her. This is the first dog I've ever had for over 2 years; she will be turning 8 this year and I've had her since then. This event shaped my life by enabling me to learn responsibility at an early age, as well as blessing me with my furry best friend.
  • Meeting my friends from GA

    Meeting my friends from GA
    When I moved to GA in august of 2018, I did not want to stay. I was homesick. I missed my friends, my school, and my family. Eventually though, I met friends that made living in Georgia extremely worth it. I end up staying for 4 years mainly because of them. This even shaped my life by introducing me to people who will most likely be life long friends and by allowing me to experience life away from Chicago.
  • Losing my grandmother

    Losing my grandmother
    On December 25th, 2018 my grandmother passed away. This was very heartbreaking news for me and my entire family. My grandmother was someone who was a parent, an auntie, and a friend to all. Even those who are on my other side of the family came to her for comfort when they needed it. This experience shaped my life by making me lose someone who was a very important part of who I am as a person, and that changed me.
  • Began dating my current girlfriend

    Began dating my current girlfriend
    I met my girlfriend on Dec 18th, 2019. We began dating on June 18th, 2020. My girlfriend has taught me patience, healthy love, and how to be a softer person. This event has shaped my life by changing be as a person and bringing someone into my life that I could see myself being with for an extremely long time.
  • Becoming close with my cousins

    Becoming close with my cousins
    In august of 2020, my older cousin passed. The one good thing that came out of this was me and my cousins of my age creating a closer bond. After the repass, we all began communicating everyday and to now; we are all as close as siblings. This event shaped my life by brining me closer to people I love.
  • Taking a trip to Miami

    Taking a trip to Miami
    For my cousin's birthday last year, we took a trip to Miami. The trip included my cousins, our parents, and a few of our friends. This trip was very fun and gave us sometime to get a break from reality. This event shaped my life by giving me a chance to recoup and step back from reality and have fun.
  • Beginning to drive

    Beginning to drive
    I began really learning how to drive during the beginning of 2022. I was driving myself to school and back at first, then began driving so far as to pick my mom up from the airport. Since they do not teach drivers ed in Georgia, this allowed me to learn driving outside of school. This event has shaped my life by giving be the advantage of knowing how to drive even before getting my license; now drivers ed is extremely easy.
  • Moving back to Chicago

    Moving back to Chicago
    I moved back to Chicago in may of 2022. I had been in Georgia for 4 years, but I made very frequent trips to Chicago and stayed out here during the time of covid and quarantine, so it was really like living in both places. This event has shaped my life by allowing my to reconnect with old friends, be closer to family, and to be back in a place that feels like home.