Personal History Timeline

  • Personal History Timeline

    Personal History Timeline
    On June first of 2005 I was born. I am almost positive that I was born on a Wednesday. I don´t remember anything well because I was just born so I can´t really tell you to much. My parents Cindy and Keith Sharp who already had a son Ethan had just had their second child. They named her Ella grace Sharp.
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    Personal History Timeline

  • Personal History Timeline

    Personal History Timeline
    One of the next major events i remember is going to Disney land when I was about three Years old. For some reason all I remember about the trip was eating a doughnut(because we were there the same week as my birthday). Also I vaguely remember riding the tea cup ride. This was my first big trip!
  • Personal History Timeline

    Personal History Timeline
    On September first 2009 my best friend was born. My little sister Charliese was born. I remember going to the hospital with my grandparents and waiting for what seemed like forever. She is and will always be my bestfriend.
  • Personal History Timeline

    The very first day of kindergarten I met my best friend. The first day of kindergarten was my first year at an elementary. I don´t remember anything from the first day but my mom told me that we were best friends from the moment we met. On the first day of school we have a picture of us on this bean bag and I can´t believe how little we were.
  • Personal History Timeline

    We got a dog! When my little sister was about two my parents( mostly my dad)decided that we could get a dog. We had had a boxer before but she passed from cancer when my little sister was a baby. I don´t really remember her that well. So we bought an Old English bull dog. They are seriously the cutest dogs ever. We named him Gladstone after the guy from Sherlock Holmes.
  • Personal History Timeline

    This is the year when I started to really enjoy soccer. My best friend Gabi and I started to play the sport with each other and I fell in love with it and I still would not change it for the world. I love the sport and the outlet it has given me.
  • Personal History Timeline

    Although I don´t remember much from 2013, in my scrapbooks I have tons of family photos from fun adventures that we did that year. Like little trips and family parties. That is really important to me because family is very important to me and I´d do anything for each and every one of them.
  • Personal History Timeline

    Unfortunately this was the year my best friend moved away. This was definitely a very hard year for me. We were attached at the hip from kindergarten till 5th grade. So it was really hard for me when she moved all the way to Florida. I can´t wait for the day when we are reunited!
  • Personal History Timeline

    Not to much happened but all I remember is doing a bake sell with one of my childhood friends( Tayler Jolley). We make cupcakes and brownies and lemonade. It was such a fun day! We made like 20$ each and probably spent it on Justin Bieber merch.
  • Personal History Timeline

    Personal History Timeline
    My cousin had her baby! My cousin Tori who I am really close with and share a birthday with had her first baby. She had a little boy named Beckham. He is the cutest thing ever. He is so smart and kind of a brat but his cuteness makes up for it. He has made a big impact on my life because he is seriously taught me how to be a better person.
  • Personal History Timeline

    This was the year when I lost my great aunt Donna. She was my grandmas little sister. She was born with down syndrome. So when her parents passed my grandma( her sister) got custody of her. All of us grand kids grew up with her in our lives. She was an amazing, funny, and very caring person. She gave all of us grand kids nicknames( there´s like 20 of us) and was very loving. I can´t believe she´s gone. I miss her every day.
  • Personal History Timeline

    2018 was a great year all around but the best part was going to California with my mama´s side of the family. We were there for like two weeks and I had so much fun. We went to Disney land and Universal. I spent my whole summer with my family and I loved it and can´t wait to do it again.
  • Personal History Timeline

    This year was full of just tons of soccer. We had lots of fun soccer tournaments in Vegas and lots of my aunts and uncles were able to come and spend time with us. Family is very important to me. I am so thankful for them.
  • Personal History Timeline

    As we all know this has not really gone as we all hoped. However I have loved it . I have meet so many great people that are in my life now and I am so beyond thankful for it. I know that it has bee pretty crazy but I have learned to be more thankful for my family and all the things I have.
  • Personal History Timeline

    The only thing that has really sucked this year is that I hurt my hipflexor playing soccer. I am not allowed to play soccer or do any sports for the next month so Im kinda sad about that. I love the sport so much and I hate not playing it. I can´t wait to be back and playing the sport I love.