Evan.W | Personal History Timeline

By 9478767
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    The Year 2004

    This was the year that I was born, early of December, not too much can really happen to me in such a short time other than what I do with my parents. We were living place to place with family, caring for me as an only child at the time, just like any other baby I was slowly learning and growing. I was able to meet older cousins on my Dad's side of the family quite a bit, along with many other relatives, my first time meeting most of my family is a big thing that happened for me this year.
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    The Year 2005

    After the year I was born, at this time I was living with my mom and dad along with my grandparents. I was getting a lot of attention as I was the first grandchild on my mom's side of the family. This was the year I had finally started taking my first steps, and before the rest of my growth.
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    The Year 2006

    My parents and I had moved into an apartment in the cities so that we could grow as a family. My parents then got married later in June, the same year that I happened to get chicken pox. Nearing the end of the year there was news of my next sibling coming along the way the next year.
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    The Year 2007

    My sister Aubrey was born February 24, 2007, I was an only child before then so it was a big change. The same year a cousin of mine was born on my dad's side of the family, her name is Jordan. Not too much had happened in 2007, mostly just was what happening before this year, I was learning more and getting prepared for school in front of me in the future.
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    The Year 2008

    In 2008, we moved away from the cities and went to a very small town with a population under 100 in Northern Minnesota. This same year, my dad had gotten a job at Rio Tinto, we moved to this small town as a lot of our family had lived close by if not in the town itself. Another reason that we had moved to this town specifically was that I would be near relatives and people I knew for when I would start preschool the same year.
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    The Year 2009

    My cousin Jonna was born this year, I had also finished preschool earlier at the time and was ready to move forward to kindergarten. I was starting to draw more and more, it was becoming a past time for me and getting detailed and better as I kept going. This was the same year that I met family friends that I still talk to today, they were going to the house often and we would talk time to time.
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    The Year 2010

    My grandpa remarried to my step-grandma this year into the same small town as mention before. I had also finished Kindergarten this year and was ready to move on to first grade. I was learning to read and write in the grade, which was what set me up for learning in the future for whatever I do.
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    The Year 2011

    My dad had started traveling for work quite a lot at this point, usually he would be gone or back for weeks at a time. This same year we moved into a better house near the small town, I did still go to the same school though. Due to the situation with my Dad working and my mom being busy, I was usually at my grandparents after school or doing some after school activity as I got more accustomed to the learning environment.
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    The Year 2012

    My little sister had started Kindergarten this year and it was part of my responsibility to help her with certain things involving school. It was also the year that we went to Disney Land, I don't remember it too much, but it was a great experience. The house that we were staying at was a duplex, my aunt took the opportunity and moved next door to us and would continue to do so for a while.
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    The Year 2013

    My cousin Maverick was born this year, we were still living in the same place and live was still the same at the time. My grandpa had passed away in the year as well, but I moved forward and remembered him greatly. My dad had accepted a transfer for us to move to Utah for the next year, I had not known yet though.
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    The Year 2014

    This was the year that my family had a big change and we had moved to Utah, this meant the first time that I would be change schools, but also go to another state. While in Utah I had found an interest in Soccer and had made friends at my new school, it was quite different from what I knew beforehand but I adapted and had fun. While away, my uncle and now aunt had gotten married, while in Utah we would go back to Minnesota for a week or two at a time to visit family.
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    The Year 2015

    We were still living in Utah at this time and were getting used to our new home, I found more interests and continued doing what I had been pursuing before. This same year, my sister Avery was born, another big change for us in such a short time, but a very much welcome one that was great. Some of my family from Minnesota had actually visited Utah so that they could see what our life was like here, it was a great experience that let us see each other once again.
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    The Year 2016

    In 2016, we had decided that we were moving back to Minnesota, while a bit unprepared and nearing the end of the school year, we followed through with it. We moved back near the same town, but into our own house we bought instead of renting, we had a big back and front yard that helped spark a new interest in me, which was dirt biking. Going back to school in Minnesota was a big change once again, but it was familiar still, I knew my friends from before and knew what to expect for the time.
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    The Year 2017

    I had started 7th Grade which marked my first time in Middle School, the school that I was going to was actually all grades of school combined, so I was still able to see my friends the same as before in the "new" environment of middle school. I had found a hobby of running the same year, marking me joining my favorite sport, cross country. I was getting used to Minnesota once again and had been doing well in school.
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    The Year 2018

    I was in 8th Grade now and had been doing well as before, still drawing more and finding an interest in running and dirt biking. My mom had started working at the school, this helped with some things at school as well as making it easy for me to get help with it. Track and Cross Country was quickly becoming my favorite thing to do, especially competing with others outside in Cross Country, I've gotten a lot of ribbons/awards through my efforts and it was a lot of fun!
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    The Year 2019

    This year marked a big change, the news was received and we had got ready to move back to Utah once again, we said our goodbyes and were off. In Utah, we had a weird start as we had not yet completely had a house picked out, we were staying in a hotel for quite a while, with trying to balance it with my school life as well, in August I had started going to South Hills Middle School. We settled in and the year continued as normal, I maintained good grades, made friends, and started enjoying Utah.
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    The Year 2020...So Far

    Well, 2020 has been 2020 so far, the global pandemic has impacted my life in a large way just like many others, both of my parents are working from home and my little sister Avery is unable to attend preschool. Some good news that has come of the year so far is that I'm attending Itineris, so far my time here has been great and I hope that the rest of the year is as well. As for the future of 2020, my current plans are to continue working on school, hobbies, and interests.